Success Stories

Actors from all over the world are achieving their biggest dreams.
So can you.

Creative warriors taking bold, courageous action and transforming their lives and careers from the inside out.

Signature Course

The Success Breakthrough Workshop

The game-changing course that’s helped actors worldwide 
radically transform their acting careers (and their personal happiness).

“This course is the work that needs to be done to not only breakthrough in the industry, but to sustain in this industry. When I started the course, I was at kind of a low point. I’m a Series Regular right now because I had inner breakthroughs before I had outer breakthroughs. If you don’t have the inner breakthroughs, you’re not going to know how to handle success, period.

This course helps you learn the part of acting that’s really hard to teach. We need to know craft but we need to know what we have inside of us.  Wendy’s workshop helped me reconnect with that belief that you have as a child.  I’m definitely excited to return to the course as an alumni and dream even bigger. This is just the beginning.”

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“Wendy’s workshop helped me to become a better actor + a better person. I had major career breakthroughs, like booking 18 projects, including working opposite Taraji P. Henson and Ewan McGregor.

What also surprised me was that the breakthroughs continued in my personal life. So not only have I achieved every goal I wrote down, but I’ve accepted myself more and I’m pursuing passions outside of acting. It was a challenge with the money at first, but I decided to take that leap and I’m so glad I did. Can’t wait to do it again.”

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“I was in ‘doing mode’ last year + my results were okay but I wasn’t happy. I am a totally different person since taking The Success Breakthrough Workshop. I shifted my focus to my spiritual, mental, physical and emotional well-being and growth, and I can’t stop working.

I’ve had 8 new bookings + I’m now living a more joyful + fulfilling life. I cannot thank Wendy enough for the incredible tools + teachings she has given me to succeed.”

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“The Success Breakthrough Workshop set me free to trust that I could be myself in an audition room. My struggles a year ago would be to walk into an audition, receive impulses and ideas and then block them. I had many hesitations about signing up for the course. The money was the thing that scared me the most but ultimately I knew money is just a transformational tool.

After the course the whole game is different. My audition experience now is way more relaxed and authentic. After doing the course, I booked five shows, including originating a starring role in the Off-Broadway show, Emojiland. It is one hundred percent worth it, it could not be a better investment of time and energy and money.”

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“The Success Breakthrough Workshop is profound, inspiring + joyful. It’s changed my life. The only hesitation I had with signing up for the course was financial, because I was in a really bad place. I don’t even think I had a job at the time, but I took the leap and was just blown away. It’s just priceless.

I was dealing with crippling anxiety and depression. This course and the meditations were able to transform that and feelings of unworthiness. It touched me so profoundly, more so than anything has in a really long time. It was miraculous for me. This is something you will have for the rest of your life and it is life-changing. I do believe that this course saved my life.”

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“The Success Breakthrough Workshop helped me dream bigger.   I took a 20-year break to raise my kids + needed guidance to get back in the game.  I wanted to work with great actors + directors.  I more than succeeded after doing this course. I booked five projects, working with Robin Wright, Bradley Cooper, Clint Eastwood + a lot of great directors.  I love Wendy’s approach that it’s an inside job and not about doing more. 

It doesn’t matter where you are, even if you don’t have the credits…you have to start with where you’re at. 

You just have to keep visualizing it, see it and support yourself, while also having very real techniques to apply. This course gives you all of those tools.”

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“At the start of the course, I felt so broken, sad and like a straight up loser. I kind of hated myself and my life. The course helped me get rid of so many blocks in my brain, heart and gut. I started to really love myself again.

The career successes have been amazing, including booking 6 TV shows, recurring alongside Viola Davis + booking several national commercials. I now have a reel I’m proud of + I truly believe I have Wendy to thank for that. The Success Breakthrough Workshop has been a huge part of my growth not just as an actress, but as a human being.”

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“I have never had a teacher that has given so much from the heart and the community of people + the support is just extraordinary. Immediately when I started doing the course, I started to get so busy, booking like crazy, because there were things I was able to apply immediately.

I loved doing the course online and taking it at my own pace. I even got offered new representation within the first week. This course is the key to unlocking all kinds of breakthroughs. Not just your acting career, but your life will have a breakthrough.”

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“I had a really, really long dry spell and I was starting to think that I wasn’t good enough. While doing the course, first I had all these Inner breakthroughs and everything followed after that. I enjoyed my most successful acting year and also personal growth year.

I remember looking back at all of my goals that I wanted to achieve, and I exceeded and surpassed every one of those goals, including a recurring role on Grand Army and my very first lead in a feature film. If you’re debating about taking the course, a hundred percent there’s going to be a lasting transformation forever and it’s priceless information.”

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“Wendy’s workshop helped me to gain confidence. Not only on the business side of things, but the mental side of things too. By the end of the course, I knew I could do anything. Things just shift once your belief system is so strong and you know it’s going to happen. That’s what The Success Breakthrough Workshop helped me to do. It was worth every penny.

I did a guided meditation at Tyler Perry Studios in my car right before I went in for the first round of auditions. And five auditions later, I booked a series regular role on The Oval. I had the confidence to be able to go into that audition room and show them what I think about the character and I didn’t have representation at that time, either. Now I’m on my second season.”

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“Feeling happier is priceless. Feeling more in control of my career is priceless. Being flown to Budapest to shoot a great role on Tyrant, in the middle of taking time off to enjoy myself because I was done putting my happiness on hold…worth every penny. When I started Wendy’s game-changing course, I was more than lost. Now I’m enjoying my 4th season as a Series Regular on CW’s “The Outpost,” and a recurring role on Bridgerton.”

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“When I signed up for the course I was deeply depressed, filled with anxiety, feeling lost in the world + recovering from a very traumatic personal experience. Your course helped me to heal myself + I believe in my heart of hearts you saved my life.

You helped me to find my purpose, know my worth, cultivate a clear vision for myself + ultimately turned me into a manifesting + booking machine. This work has been life-changing on all levels + I can’t wait to do it again!”

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“In the first week of Wendy’s course, I had already booked my first acting job. When I enrolled, I was transitioning from dancing to acting, so there was a lot of self-doubt and insecurities that I was struggling with. The course taught me how to deliver in high stakes situations and how to let go in life when certain negative events happen.

It gave me the confidence and a box of tools that I could use in any situation. I’ve gone on to book Series Regular and recurring roles, as well as accept myself. This course has not only been career-changing, but it’s also life-changing.”

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“Wendy’s workshop helped me heal. I started doing the modules. And then, life happened and I had surgery, so I was out for a couple months. And all these anxieties come up. Like what am I missing? How do I recover? As I was going through this healing process they were there, as my teacher, my angels, and I would do the meditations and the modules. I hadn’t booked a commercial in five years, and booked the first commercial I auditioned for.

So many doors have opened. I now have five episodes on different TV shows and two films. The Success Breakthrough Workshop is a confidence builder. Because I now have it in my toolkit, I still listen to it, I’m never not going to. If you just jump in and give it a try, you’ll just see for yourself.”

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“I’d lost my confidence a bit. I’d just had my second child and needed a way back into the industry. The hesitations I had were “I shouldn’t need this, I thought I should do it all on my own,” but ultimately, it was the best decision I’ve made.

Wendy’s course was totally different from anything else I’ve ever taken. It deals with the inside and it works, even though Wendy is on the other side of the world, and you get results quite quickly. The guided meditations are brilliant because you can put them into practical use straight away. I won an award, juggled two kids while holding my own on stage in a lead role on the West End for six months. The course has been life-affirming and inspiring.”

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Sounds too good to be true? Nope.

Watch these #SuccessBreakthrough Stories...

That could be you…

Wanna be my next success story?

Signature Program

The Ultimate Audition + Performance Collection & Master Toolkit

A step by step guide + proven audio collection to help you

stand out in every audition, book more work + elevate your career.

“I find that one of the most critical points in an audition happens on the way to it. That’s when the “crazy-actor monkey-mind” wants to take over. I’ll worry and obsess about so many things that are truly out of my control, instead of relaxing and focusing on what’s in front of me.”

(Patrick Fabian has enjoyed 6 seasons as Series Regular on Better Call Saul)

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“The audition collection has helped me tremendously. I was already on the path to affirming my truth, but these audios took my practice to another level. Not only has it helped increase my callbacks and bookings, but it’s helped me in my life in general.”

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“My life has changed in so many positive ways. I booked work on episodic TV, done print work and worked with a Tony nominated director in a leading role of a reading of a new musical! I used to think of my career as the “bad boyfriend” who never called.

Now, I feel tangibly lighter and filled with hope and positivity about my life and career.”

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“Since listening to Wendy’s audios (It is in my car, on my iPhone, and on my iPad!), I’ve had more callbacks, more avails, more bookings, and an easier time moving out of audition mode back into my life mode.

She is a true inspiration to all actors. Her audios remind you not only how to audition but how to live your life. It is an essential tool for any actor.”

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“From the passion in Wendy’s voice to the images she guides the listener through…I am blown away. Thank you Wendy, yet again, for providing incredible tools that have already changed me for the better in ways I haven’t even fully comprehended yet, just after the first time going through them. I have never in 6 years in LA had so much going on in my career at once.

Wendy’s guided meditations are everything. Truly miraculous + I’ve proven it.”

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“I booked my first recurring role and had been losing sleep because I was afraid I was going to get to set and fail miserably.

Wendy’s powerful collection helped me to calm my nerves + deliver under pressure. I now listen to it whenever I’m heading to set or have time in my trailer. The entire collection helps to center me and ground me, so I can just focus on the work.”

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“As a musical theatre performer, I’d rarely pursued much TV and film. When I discovered Wendy’s audios, I felt excited to audition in any context and less attached to the outcome. In less than a week after using the collection, I booked a role on a hit HBO’s show.

A few technical elements could have made me overly concerned during the shoot day, but I used the collection and all went smoothly. As actors, we all have tools to work on our voices and bodies. Wendy Braun has given us tools to work on our minds. When I listen to the entire collection, I feel better about the business and my role in it. These recordings are truly a gift.”

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“I was doing my best to manage a full-time job, planning a wedding, and 3 acting classes a week. Wendy’s audios are perfect reminders, not only for myself as an artist, but as a person living day to day.

I booked my first commercial job in Chicago after listening to Creating Powerful Auditions. It calmed me on the bus, focused me in the waiting room, and helped me visualize a positive experience. Thank you!”

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“I was trying to learn how to keep anxiety at bay before, during and after my auditions and bookings so I can stay more connected to the creative process and master ‘the surrender’.

The Collection has helped me RELAX and trust that the outcome, whatever it is, is for the highest good. I’m now able to be more positive and connected.”

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Iain Tingley Wendy Braun Success Story

“Guided meditations by Wendy really work wonders for me. There is a whole lot of goodness here and a vast range of topics for many of our actor problems. I use one of your audios as my daily alarm and they’ve had a tremendous effect on me. They help me get back into the zone in almost any situation.

The Collection has helped me realign my thoughts and energy back to a stable place, where the magic happens…Not only in my acting career but in my relationships and the world around me.”

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“I flew myself from LA to NY for a big theatre callback, listened to Wendy’s visualizations on the way there + booked it by that afternoon. Then, on the job, I felt a lot of self-doubt and listened to the collection everyday going to rehearsals + before performances. I got nominated + won “Outstanding Featured Actress In A Play” for Christopher Durang’s Vanya & Sonia & Masha & Spike.

I know that this collection kept me on track through all of it. Having Wendy to listen to, saying exactly the things you need to hear, has been so helpful. Whether you’re a working actor, or if you’re an aspiring actor filled with some doubts, this collection will prepare you to do your best work + really flow with your craft.”

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“I love the audition collection and I listen to it every morning. “Empowering Myself” is my absolute favorite meditation, sometimes I put it on repeat until I fully and truly feel every declaration. Thank you for coming into my life!”

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“I feel so much more at ease, relaxed and confident with my auditioning process now that I listen to this collection. Wendy has hit every point from insecurity, to not letting anyone or anything get to me.

I especially love her way of putting me at ease in the waiting room (even if it’s a Zoom callback room). Thank you for creating such an honest and humble guide. I love it and I can’t stop working.”

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“Using this collection consistently, I’m able to focus, know that I’ve done my best + release the outcome. Wendy’s audios help me to own my self-worth, stay grounded, and is the go-to-tool I use for every audition and on the job. Her words and voice help keep me focused on feeling enough, worthy, present, in gratitude, and knowing that all is well in my world.

She’s helped to turn nerves into excitement after all these years, and I’m forever grateful to get out of my head and back into my body. Thank you!”

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“I listen to Wendy’s audios pretty much every chance I get. I don’t know what I’d do if I didn’t have her amazing voice in my ear keeping me empowered, inspired, and in the right mental space to persevere day in and day out.

She’s been my secret cheerleader and I am so grateful I found her! She’s nothing short of a God Send and an angel to us actors. I recommend her to ANY aspiring artist who believes thoughts turn into amazing things! Thank you Wendy for your positivity and light!!”

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Signature Mentorship Program

The Ultimate Success Accelerator Coaching Program

A high-level, immersive VIP mentoring experience and global success community providing powerful tools, live coaching, and ongoing support to accelerate your growth and success.

“I was struggling with feeling worthy of more. The first time I used Wendy’s guided meditations, I chose to focus my intention on deserving more money. The next morning, I received a surprise phone call from one of my reps saying that they had negotiated for me to get above union scale on a co-star role I had booked!

My manager also said that this would be my new jumping off point rate going forward for all other roles. I was floored! I knew that meditation helped me manifest this higher rate, because it helped me to feel in touch with my worth.

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“I am so blown away by the guided meditations from Wendy. The tools, the support + this work is amazing. Wendy’s wisdom and mindset tools bring a solution-oriented focus to my daily life.”

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“You’ve weaved so much amazing knowledge from your own experience into a format that actors can apply directly to their “acting mindset” to assist us in our pursuits of our acting goals and dreams.

I love the variety of audios that I can use in a “pick and choose” manner for all my acting and non-acting mindset adjustments. I listen to one or more of your visual meditations daily. They’ve helped me feel more confident and empowered.”

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“Wendy’s meditations have helped me so much in navigating this difficult year, when the loss of my father seems unfair and unbearable. The words of wisdom in each guided meditation remind me that every moment has its lessons and its gifts.

They’ve helped me put my wellness (mental, emotional and physical) ahead of everything else and take this awakening to a level of understanding and implementation every day. I am free to fly higher + soar more joyfully and ultimately, book 11 jobs. I absolutely love these meditations.”

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“I’ve seen so many internal + external changes, including 6 big bookings. Wendy’s guided meditations + mindset tools have helped me stay focused, positive + motivated.

Every audio seems to magically pertain to exactly what I’m going through. In a matter of minutes my mindset changes and I’m excited about the day, feeling grateful, and feeling good about myself.”

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“Wendy is the positive voice in my head. Her audios are my lifeline to ground me daily and on the set. Listening to Wendy’s audios have helped me focus on the important things that bring me joy. Thank you for helping me manifest.”

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“Wendy’s work is a solid stable investment in myself in times of constant change in our shifting industry. If my mindset isn’t healthy and well-cared for, I won’t be robust enough to cope or even better, thrive, in my life and acting career.

I love having the menu of meditations to dip into. There is always one there that hits the right spot for anything surfacing. It’s like my weed killer. Always brilliant + exactly what I need in the moment. Thank you!”

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“Wendy’s audios have been my daily companions, and always realign me back to that place of peace and joy every morning.

The love and perspective you have shared through your audio collections have had such a deep impact on my everyday life. The guided meditations have helped me navigate some major shifts in my life and career. I am deeply grateful.”

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“I’ve been doing Wendy’s guided meditations every morning, trusting in the process and enjoying the journey. Two major goals have recently come to fruition and I am living my dreams.

You are changing people’s lives and careers, and I am forever grateful. My life has changed because of you. I’m legit having the best year of my LIFE. Thank you, Wendy!”

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“Wendy’s words are often EXACTLY what I need to read, see, hear or remember.

I find them tremendously inspiring, helpful + workable. I’m so grateful for them and grateful for you!”

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“I was caught up in focusing on external validation, rather than committing to the internal work. Now, when I slip up and compare myself to someone else or get in my head about a project, I turn on one of Wendy’s guided meditations, and then take an action that will actually serve me.

This work gives me the confidence and pride I was looking for in bookings. I’m practicing enjoying the process, celebrating every win and enjoying my day to day life, and as a result, I’m booking more often.”

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“Wendy, you have been instrumental in my forward momentum and transformation. It was when I combined your audios with your mindset mantras that manifestations started flowing towards me. Thank you for all you do for actors.”

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“I’ve been listening to Wendy’s guided meditations everyday + they’re all actually working! I do my auditions with such a positive mind, accepting myself and honoring my uniqueness. No judging, no doubts. And now I’m on set with Helen Mirren. This is who I am since listening to the audios.”

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“Using Wendy’s meditations have been so helpful in maintaining the positive mindset necessary to attract what I want in my career. Last month alone, I performed in two shows which were straight offers-no audition necessary! I know it’s because of the mindset habit I’ve cultivated from using Wendy’s guided meditations.”

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“Wendy’s audio collections have been life-changing and provide essential tools, consistent support and inspiration. They give me everything I need to live my best life and open me up to the truth I may have forgotten.

They’re a gift that keeps on giving, helping me to embody a new positive mindset that keeps me energised, excited, connected and moving forward. I am so grateful.”

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“When I am feeling really down or shaken, all I need to do is reach for an audio and I know that once I press play I am reminded of the beautiful spirit that I am.

Her guided meditations are a beautiful reminder that I am whole and complete, something that I have learned in my therapy sessions but always forget. Listening to Wendy always feels like I’m coming home to an old best friend.”

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“So much has changed since listening to your meditations. I shifted from believing that I needed 3 days to memorize a script, to needing 2 hours. I quit my day job and am making a living as an actor. I’m cast in two stage shows and just got an offer for a third.

I have 3 festival bound films that will be released this year. Listening to + absorbing your meditations are the foundation of my process. Thank you!”

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“I love having a collection of go-to-tools at my fingertips to keep me on track, I gain new insights every time I listen to one of the audios and it makes me feel like I’m always progressing and growing!”

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Breakthroughs Begin Here

Wendy Braun • • Success Breakthrough Workshop


The Success Breakthrough Workshop

The powerful, proven + transformative 6-week online training program
+ live virtual experience is designed to help you take your acting career
+ life to the next level and beyond.

“It’s everything you need to not only have a great career, but to also lead an amazing life. Think of it as a speedway to personal change + breakthroughs for actors.  There’s nothing else out there like it.” 

– Nicole W.


The Ultimate Audition & Performance Collection & Master Toolkit

A step-by-step guide + audio collection to help you stand out at every audition, book more work + elevate your career.

“Wendy’s collection has changed the game for me.

Not only has it helped increase my call backs + bookings,

but I feel more grounded, calm + confident.”

– Jennifer L.


The Ultimate Success Accelerator Coaching Program

A high-level, immersive VIP mentoring experience and global success community providing powerful tools, live coaching, and ongoing support to accelerate your growth and success.

“This is the ongoing work that books acting jobs, builds careers and
essentially, buys you your dream home – from acting.”

– Nahanni J.