2 Words To Help You Reclaim Your Power (And Ignore The Naysayers)

About 20 years ago I dated a guy who told me VoiceOver was “impossible to get into.” I’m really glad I didn’t listen to him.

Was he right? Perhaps.  Did I listen and make his belief, my belief? No.

So thankful to now (over 1000 VO gigs later) to be auditioning and working from my home VO studio. (Years ago my “studio” was simply a mic and a towel over my head).

So glad I took “impossible” and made it mean “I’m possible.”
I had no idea how I would do it, but I just knew that I could and eventually found a way, little by little.

Watch the :56 second video below to get the full story…

I hope this helps you to #KeepGoingSunshineand know anything is possible.

Don’t listen to (or date) anyone who tells you otherwise. 💕🎧🙏

“Drop “I’m possible” in the comments and I’ll know you’re declaring it too.

Love + gratitude,


P.S. Want to reclaim your power and step into your true potential? Click here!

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13 thoughts on “2 Words To Help You Reclaim Your Power (And Ignore The Naysayers)”

  1. Thank you Wendy! Great vlog and surpassing story – everyone – well, many people – will tell you that what they do is unique and incredibly elusive to all who are outside of it. Inspiring that you took his pompous dictum as a personal challenge, and turned it into great value. I am getting into voiceover now…this is exactly what I need to remember!

    1. Ah yes! And so glad this spoke to you and that you are starting your Voice Over journey. You got this!

  2. I’m Possible. Thank you for sharing this. shifting dialogue that pick up then unknowingly internalise is something trying be more aware of. so love that this about voice over as well as its a skillset am considering for the future even if not sure at the moment and like any new skill I can worry step into it. so shows to keep believe anything possible in careers and visions for future.

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