4 Questions To Help You Step Outside Your Comfort Zone (Where Everything You Want Is)

I’ve been stepping out of my comfort zone a lot lately, and it has been nothing short of scary and exciting all at the same time,

I’m in the midst of working on a new project that involves revisiting writing I’ve done for the last 10 years and mining out the gold, pain, heart + soul of my life.  It’s brought up a lot of emotions for me and would be so easy to tell myself all of the reasons I shouldn’t keep going.

But when you know you are on a path of growth + expansion as an artist, stepping out of your comfort zone is really where the good stuff is revealed.

In fact…


It’s funny how sometimes, the exact growth you are seeking can show up first as fear and easily convince you to stop you from moving forward.  Our job as artists, is really, to keep the channel open and not to judge what we are in the process of creating.

In the midst of this new project, I also made time to pursue my other passion, helping actors turn self-doubt + self-limitation into possibility + success.

So, I headed to La Jolla this past weekend to attend a Business Boot Camp for heart-centered entrepreneurs and learned many amazing lessons along the way.

While I was there, I definitely stepped out of my comfort zone. Leaving my family  (and having my awesome husband manage our two young boys for 4 days + 3 nights) wasn’t easy.

Instead of people asking each other, “What do you do for a living?” we were instructed to ask, “What is the transformation you provide?”  At first, this felt strange, but over the three days, it became eye-opening for me.

The more I explained the breakthrough results actors have been experiencing in their lives + careers from my work, the more I realized its value, its place + its importance.  I also realized how helping to uplift + inspire other actors is simply part of my soul’s purpose on the planet + part of the legacy I want to leave behind one day

On the last day, a one of the attendees who spoke inspired us all. She was now 31, but had lost her father when she was only 6 years old (and he was 25) due to him committing suicide, and said,  “Don’t allow your short term fears to get in the way of your long term legacy.” 

That one got to me.

Claiming the space that I am a successful actress AND can be a successful entrepreneur, has been a road filled with resistance.

This time last year, when I was preparing to launch my new website + new guided meditations. the mere thought of putting my face and name on the rebranding of ActorInspiration.com, brought up a lot of fear and anxiety.

I knew the key to my success was to come to terms with the fact that it was okay to do more than one thing and do them both well.   That if I felt a calling to not only be an actress, but to help transform the lives of other actors, that I could do both + neither side would suffer.

I’ve noticed over the last year + even this past weekend, that the more I’ve continued to step out of my comfort zone, own my unique value in the world + define a new set of rules for myself of what is possible, the more amazing things that have begun to show up.

By the end of the weekend, I connected with several wonderful people who not only loved that I was an ‘actress-prenuer,’ but were excited to open doors for me in both the acting world + the business world. I realized this kind of evidence appeared because it was a match to the renewed vision of myself, the new perspective + the knowing that “I am enough,” capable of thriving in both areas.

My epiphany actually hit me on the way home. I decided to make a quick stop at the Torrey Pines Gliderport launching pad, where paragliders + hanggliders literally jump off the edge of a cliff to fly like a bird over the ocean.  To see this in person is breathtaking.

Not only were these people stepping off a cliff + stepping out of their comfort zone, the results they got when they did were so metaphorical to me.

They were soaring.  Flying higher than they’d ever been.  Reaching new heights.

SteppingOutside OutsideComfortZone

I realized that if I am to soar, to fly higher + to reach new heights, then I have to get comfortable with being uncomfortable.

I’m returning home with a renewed vision for both my career + ActorInspirtation.com and how they actually honor + support one another.

I also have a new perspective on what is possible for us all when we are willing to face the fear + do it anyway and for the growth + expansion that is possible in this lifetime when you do.

I recalled how overjoyed I got last week, when I was in the midst of shooting an episode of Castle,  and found out that one of my Spotlight member’s booked a job.  When both my own victory and that of another actor got me so excited, I knew I was, indeed, living my purpose.

So, what about you?

Is there something you’ve been telling yourself yourself you can’t do because you’re an actor?

Is there anything within the acting world you would like to try but scares you?

Is there something you’ve always wanted to try but are too afraid?

Those are all the things that should be on your “Step Outside My Comfort Zone” list.

If you really want to stretch yourself + have access to where everything you want is, here are

4 Questions To Help You Step Outside Your Comfort Zone:

What would I do if I knew I couldn’t fail?

What kind of legacy do I want to leave behind?

What would feel amazing to achieve, but scares me to try?

What if I really knew + believed that “I am enough”?

I’m here to let you know that the fear you may feel from taking a big leap won’t kill you.

But since we all only get one shot at this thing called life, I’ll leave you with a favorite Wayne Dyer quote: “Don’t die with your music still in you.

Here’s to stepping off the cliff + soaring.

Love + Gratitude,

Wendy Braun

P.S  Leave a comment below + tell me how you plan on stepping outside your comfort zone in the next weeks, months or year?

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7 thoughts on “4 Questions To Help You Step Outside Your Comfort Zone (Where Everything You Want Is)”

  1. Wendy,
    How inspiring. I am grateful for all of the inspiration and love that I have received from you. It seems so fitting to me that you would follow duel paths of helping others to transform their lives while you are continuing to transform yours. I plan on continuing to trust that “I AM ENOUGH,” and that “IT IS DONE.”

    1. Joe! Thank you so much for this message! I love that you’ve been using the audios (I AM ENOUGH IT IS DONE) and seeing such a transformation in your career life. That’s what it’s all about. Thank you for inspiring me! ~Wendy

  2. Hi Wendy
    Great post! It really resonates with me. I took part in my first short film last week which was terrifying and also hard work to balance with my day job and other commitments. I found myself thinking “why am I doing this?”. Then it came to me that this was exactly what I should be doing and I remembered the picture about everything exciting happening outside your comfort zone. It really helped me to stay in the moment and do my best work.
    Thanks as ever for all the hard work you do outside of your comfort zone to inspire other actors.

    1. Zoe, Congrats on your short film for re-aligning your mind right there on the set! Good for you! Following your passion balancing it all is so important. Glad my work has helped you do just that! ~ Wendy

  3. I have been stepping out of my comfort zone more and more. I was in New Orleans for a callback and the third callback, I was asked to come with NO MAKEUP on for a camera test to meet the director for the first time with no makeup. This was scary for me, but I did it and it got me the job. More and more in my acting, I have been trying new things that keep me on my toes and out of my comfort zone and the results have been exceptional. Wow. Scary but worth it! Blessings to you

    1. Christina, Thanks for sharing your story going for it! Amazing things really do happen that way, indeed. Congrats on booking the job, too. Here’s to jumping off the cliff continuing to soar in your life acting career. ~ Wendy

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Hey, I’m Wendy!

Every product and program I’ve created is the culmination of 20+ years of real-life experience testing and refining the tools, methods and practices that have helped me to build a successful acting career, as well as enjoy an abundant, balanced + fulfilling life.


It brings me so much joy to know that my work has now deeply touched the lives + careers of thousands of creatives worldwide.


Many have felt these transformative tools + practical teachings were the missing piece of the puzzle.


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How To Stand Out In Every Audition, Book More Jobs & Elevate Your Career

(Without Letting Nerves, Negative Noise or 

Nagging Self-Doubt Sabotage Your Success)