How To Handle The Down Times

How To Handle The Down Times

I know how easy it is to beat yourself up when things aren’t showing up the way you intended, envisioned or hoped for.

I’m sharing this poem today, to remind you that good things are on their way to you (and to invite you to go about your day remembering that 99% of all manifestation happens, before you see evidence of it).

If you can fly high above your current reality, and see it all from a different perspective  and shift your energy around it all, things will shift for you. 

I hope this serves as a loving reminder from one creative warrior to another… 

You can turn absolutely your dreams into reality,

but it will require letting go of your timeline 

and loosening your grip on it all.

If You Only Knew What Was Coming

If you only knew what was coming, 
You wouldn’t shed a tear.
If you could see it all from the bird’s eye view, 
You would know it was so near.

If you could look at all that’s happened so far,
As a divine and perfect plan,
You’d see that the twists, the turns and the setbacks
Were all taking you by the hand…

Because this dream of yours isn’t about
The stuff everyone can see.
This dream of yours is actually about
You becoming all that you can be.

So on those days where
“Nothing seems to be going well,” you say,
Just let go of your timeline, the story you’re telling
And the meaning you’ve added along the way.

Because if you could see what’s coming
You’d relax about it all,
And in fact, it’s even better than you realize
So it’s time to stand up tall…

Claim it now and bask in the feeling
Of your every dream come true,
And then get busy enjoying this moment,
And watch how fast it surprises and delights you.

Most people are waiting
For that happy day to come.
Yet most people live their lives backwards,
And when the day is done…

They sit and worry and fear and doubt
Wondering when things will change.
Not having any idea that
It is their minds they need to rearrange.

So dwell in the feeling of your wish fulfilled
And allow your intuition to lead the way.
Your days will be brighter and you will feel lighter
and soon the world will hear you say…

“It was when I stopped wishing for things to be different,
That it all became very clear,
It was when I focused on finding joy – now
That I realized my dreams were right here.

So these days I live with a lot more
clarity, ease and flow…
And even during the down times,
in my heart I know…

I have planted the seeds and tend to them with love
And know that my garden grows…
And I recognize that true change happens
when I’m aware of how my energy flows.

So now I embrace the quiet times
And even the challenges along the way,
Because I am certain that I am on the right path
And I now embrace the gift of – today.“

This poured out of me one morning while journaling and I hope it speaks to your soul.  I also hope this helps you pause today and appreciate the life you are currently living.

Practice radical appreciation for who you are, your journey so far, and how you’ve navigated the creative warrior path – do this for 30 days, and watch how things shift for you.

Leave a comment below, and let me know what resonated with you most and if you’re embracing the gift of today.

Love + Gratitude, 


P.S. Ready to really shift things and begin your best chapter yet? Click here.

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20 thoughts on “How To Handle The Down Times”

  1. Susan Denaker

    Thank you so much for this wonderful poem, Wendy! I am definitely printing it out to keep. I’ve recently been blindsided by a real life changer. On April 10th my beloved husband was diagnosed with a massive cancer blitzkrieg all over his body, liver, lungs, spine, and more, as well as 8 brain tumors. On May 10th he transitioned. It felt utterly devastating and I miss him horribly but on June 19th, after the memorial service and celebration of life were done on June 15th, I drove solo to Mt. Shasta for a spiritual retreat and then on to Ashland, Oregon to visit friends. The entire trip was transformational and I felt ready to face the future alone with hope and a new clarity of purpose. Then returning home to the chaos of his partially cleared closet and pictures of him everywhere and his ashes still sitting on the piano hurled me back to the emotional roller coaster of the previous weeks. Reading your poem this morning has been such a sweet reminder to find the joy in each present moment and to fill my heart with the light and happiness for all the wonderful things that are coming. Because I do know that they are. But grief is a particularly willful mistress and wells up whenever she sees fit so it’s a bit like riding a roller coaster. Once you’re on it you have to just surrender to going where it takes you. But I do have control over how I respond and interact with it. Choosing joy today, even amidst the grief. Thank you.

    1. Sweet Susan, Oh, how my heart goes out to you. What a rollercoaster ride indeed. I’m so deeply sorry for your loss. I’m also happy to hear how you’ve also made time for your own spiritual retreat amidst it all and that this poem reminds you that today is a gift. Here’s to surrendering to it all -and knowing it’s okay to choose joy, even amidst the grief. I’m sure your late husband is smiling upon you making the most of each day. Sending you lots of love.

  2. Jennifer Evans

    Yep this spoke to me and resonated and I sat with it. Must print it off! Your work is a blessing xxx

  3. Absolutely beautiful and a perfect reminder to appreciate the gift that is today. Thank you Wendy!

  4. Wendy,
    GOD bless you as I see that it is in the present moment that we must stay . For everything past and present has no power over this day
    This paragraph resonated with me especially after reading and absorbing the Word in the Bible when Jesus Said ”Now is the acceptable time” and “The Power of Now” by Eckhart Tolle was when I stopped wishing for things to be different,
    That it all became very clear,
    It was when I focused on finding joy – now
    That I realized my dreams were right here.

    1. Aw, so glad this spoke to you and that you loved this stanza
      When I stopped wishing for things to be different,
      That it all became very clear,
      It was when I focused on finding joy – now
      That I realized my dreams were right here.

  5. This is a beautiful poem that I will ponder. I find rhyming helps solidify affirmations. I wrote a book of them years ago and you have inspired me to re-publish that book!

    1. YES! Go for it! And congrats on all the bookings! I love knowing that The Ultimate Audition & Performance Collection & Master Toolkit is your secret weapon.

  6. Thank you, Wendy, for sharing your journaling. After submitting auditions and hearing crickets, it is difficult to resist beating myself up, but your posts always show up when I need them the most in my life ~ and I hope when other creatives need them too ❤️

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