How To Ask For What You Want

When was the last time you ASKED for what you wanted?
So many actors spend their time complaining about what isn’t happening instead of taking action to create what they say they want.


ASKING improves your chance of receiving by 200%!
Instead of resenting someone (ie. your current representation) for not offering to get you in certain Casting Director offices, why not ask for what you need?  With all the clients they have, they might not even know a certain CD has never met you, and you won’t know unless you ASK!  So, why don’t you try it?  If you don’t ask, the answer most surely will continue to be…no.

I actually began my voice-over career by ASKING… the vo agent in my commercial agent’s office if she could recommend a good VO class. I respected that VO was a skill all its own and that I needed proper training. I then wrote her a thank-you note, kept her up to date with my progress in class, and she became my first voice-over agent!  I’ve now been doing consistent Voice-Over work for over 15 years! What if I didn’t ask?

Is there something you want but are afraid to ask? The biggest reasons most people are afraid to ask are fear of looking stupid, appearing needy and experiencing rejection. But, by not asking, you are already saying no to yourself before anyone has a chance to! First, you have to believe what you want is possible or you may not have the courage to ask for it.

How to ASK for what you want:

1. See yourself having already accomplished the goal.
Visualize yourself getting a “yes!”  Fill yourself with positive expectation first, and then ask for what you want. This will help motivate you to take action from a place of being aligned with what you want emotionally + energetically.

“Ask for what you want + be prepared to get it!”
~ Maya Angelou

2. Write the script.
Getting on the phone and asking for something can be less intimidating with a written script of what you’d like to say. That way, if your nerves get the best of you, a written script will keep you on target.

3. Be clear and specific.
Agents know you want more auditions.  Don’t ask “Can you get me in more doors?”  How about getting specific and saying “I would love to work on Mad Men, can you help get me in to read for Laura Schiff?”  Do your homework and know who you are talking about.

4. Expect a positive response.
Don’t back-pedal your request. Ask, expect a yes, wait and listen for the answer.  It’s easy to fill the silence + respond for someone else, but when you do this, it robs you both of finding out what they really think.  Wait for the answer before you over-explain the reasons why you need what you’re asking for.

5. Take nothing personally.
If someone says “no” to your request, don’t give up, and don’t take it personally!  On a different day, you may get a different answer.  And in the meantime, instead of being offended, you might just discover another way to get what you want.  Be open that it can come in ways you can’t imagine.  Be persistent and you will reach your goal.

Here’s to asking + receiving!

~Wendy Braun

Morning Mindset Meditation:

I take a deep breath in and fill myself up with worthiness + value.

I exhale and let go of any fear that is holding me back.

I now easily and effortlessly ask for what I need in my life + my acting career.

I speak up with confidence + expect a yes.

I see myself enjoying what I am asking for, and find the feeling place long before I even make the request.

When I visualize having what I want it makes it easy to take inspired action + ask.

I speak up for myself in miraculous ways.

I love the changes that have come my way, all because I decided to ask.

I ask for what I want + get it…or something even better.

All is well in my world.

What are you going to ask for this week?  Leave a comment + let me know!

The more you believe in yourself, the easier it will be to ask for what you want.

Thanks for sharing the knowledge + spreading the love….

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Hey, I’m Wendy!

Every product and program I’ve created is the culmination of 20+ years of real-life experience testing and refining the tools, methods and practices that have helped me to build a successful acting career, as well as enjoy an abundant, balanced + fulfilling life.


It brings me so much joy to know that my work has now deeply touched the lives + careers of thousands of creatives worldwide.


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How To Stand Out In Every Audition, Book More Jobs & Elevate Your Career

(Without Letting Nerves, Negative Noise or 

Nagging Self-Doubt Sabotage Your Success)