The Creative Warrior Mindset: How To Rise Higher (Even In Uncertain Times)

As you may know, it’s a big day in the entertainment industry in the USA.  After 78 days on strike, SAG-AFTRA and the AMPTP are returning to the negotiating table on October 2, 2023.

I walked the picket line at Disney Studios on Friday with actors I’ve known for decades, others I’ve just met and even ran into many of my amazing students!  The energy, solidarity and resiliency of this creative community is so palpable.


And as we all got to walking and talking, it made me think of you.

Whether the strike comes to an end this week or not, I wanted to help you today to hold the vision of your bright future and remind you of who you really are (no matter what outside circumstances or external conditions look like right now).

This is what it truly means to embody the creative warrior mindset.

✅ No matter how many times you get knocked down, you get back up.
✅ No matter how long it takes, you build your inner resilience.
✅ No matter who doubts you, you strengthen your self-belief.

When you can hold the vision, and feel with emotion what it feels like to be living your dreams (no matter what is going on in the physical world), and then embody that version of you with thoughts, words, beliefs, and actions…you magnetize your dreams to you.

I’ve been living this way for decades, through strikes, shutdowns and setbacks, and my career and personal life expands exponentially…every single time.  I’ve now shared these principles with thousands of actors and have watched their lives and careers transform as well. 🚀

So, today, I wanted to share a sample of the creative warrior mindset with you.

I also realize, after months of looking at “what is,” you might be feeling disappointed or even a bit defeated.  But here is what I know for sure:

THIS is the exact time…
to dig even deeper,
so you can rise even higher.

Wondering how to do that?

Here’s a peek into The Creative Warrior Mindset: How To Rise Higher (Even In Uncertain Times).

It begins with these two concepts:

  1. When you have an idea, it’s because it already exists in the Universe energetically.
  2. What you say to yourself matters.  (Even more than what others say to you).

They key is to embody the energy of what you want to create, while tuning out the noise of your inner critic and any outer critics.  (I know, easier said than done, but I will show you where to begin).

It is so easy for the ego mind to want to compare, compete or calculate the wins, but today, in this moment, it is safe to…Let…All…Of…That…Go.

To begin, place your hand on your heart, breathe deeply and embody this mindset as you declare with me silently or out loud:

I am a creative warrior.
I no longer allow the outside world or current circumstances to dictate how I feel.
I know that my expansion is an inside job and it begins with this viewpoint…

I am V aluable.
I am I ntuitive.
I am E nough.
I am W orthy.
I am P assionate.
I am O pen.
I am I nnovative.
I am N ice to myself.
I am T hankful.

I own this new V.I.E.W.P.O.I.N.T. and connect to the version of me that is thriving, succeeding and feeling fulfilled.  I feel what it feels like to embody the future version of me, now.

Take a few deep breaths, and go to the feeling place of how good it feels to be living out one of your biggest dreams.  (Yes, using the same imagination you use to create amazing characters.  In this moment, you’re going to use it to create the next chapter of your life).

Hold the vision, and feel it with emotion (just as if you were playing this role in your current life).  Go there now, close your eyes and imagine living your big dream with all of your 5 senses for the next 60 seconds.

YES!  This is where embodiment begins.

Now decide to declare this mindset for today silently or out loud…

I walk into this day knowing, owning and embodying the feeling of stepping into my best chapter yet.
I feel deep gratitude in my heart for my resilience, my strength, and my courage to follow my creative dreams.

❤️ I relax my mind.
❤️ I realign my energy.
❤️ I refocus my attention on new possibilities.
❤️ I open my heart wider.

❤️ I dream even bigger.
❤️ I rise even higher.
❤️ I am a creative warrior.

When you don’t need one thing to change in the outside world and instead you focus on embodying how you want to feel ahead of the actual events, in time you will magnetize ideas, people, opportunities, resources and ultimately, your future, to you.

This is the practice of embodying new possibilities and rising above all of the outside noise.

🛡️You, my friend, are a creative warrior.🛡️

You walk boldly through dark times,
and illuminate it all…
🔥 with your light.🔥

This time is no different.
This time is waiting for you to shine your light brightly.
This time is for the creative warrior to rise and #KeepGoingSunshine.

(If you don’t know the #KeepGoingSunshine story and how I’ve used this mindset for decades to succeed and help thousands of actors to do the same, you can read about it when I was featured in Forbes here.

I hope this helps you today to feel a deep and powerful shift within you (no matter what the industry news reveals today).

Drop “I am a creative warrior” in the comments below, and I’ll know you are practicing the creative warrior mindset, rising higher and tapping into new possibilities.

We are really all in this together.  #CreativeWarriorsRise.



P.S. Want to dive deeper?
👉 Get empowered.
The Empowering Creative Warrior Manifesto printable will help you
embody this mindset daily.  Download it for free here.

👉 Get confident.
Want to learn how to prepare like a pro and get your back on your A-Game?
Learn The 5 Core Secrets To Becoming A Successful Working Actor here.

👉 Get successful.
Want powerful tools and live trainings with me to take the guesswork out of how to create more success, joy and fulfillment? Receive my latest guided visualization “New Possibilities” as your free gift when you join The Spotlight Club + Community. 

Also enjoy world-class mentoring, mindset and manifesting tools (new every single month), including interactive monthly livestream workshops, industry guest experts and a global community of like-minded, ambitious, successful and soulful creative warriors. Click here to join us.


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8 thoughts on “The Creative Warrior Mindset: How To Rise Higher (Even In Uncertain Times)”

  1. This was INCREDIBLE!! Wendy, YOU have a way of reframing and refreshing our outlook and for THAT I am always grateful! Thank YOUUU🙏

    I hope you enjoyed some of the book😉

    ALL My Best🫶

    1. Aw thanks Jovanna! So glad this helped you “reframe and refresh.” And congrats on your book too! Such an awesome achievement. Love it!

    1. That just makes my day, Goreti, because when you FEEL possibility, you have activated an energy that will bring new ideas, people and opportunities to you. Love that my weekly emails do that for you!

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Every product and program I’ve created is the culmination of 20+ years of real-life experience testing and refining the tools, methods and practices that have helped me to build a successful acting career, as well as enjoy an abundant, balanced + fulfilling life.


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(Without Letting Nerves, Negative Noise or 

Nagging Self-Doubt Sabotage Your Success)