#1 Question To Ask To Transform Your Life + Acting Career

It’s not: Why didn’t I get a callback?  Why didn’t I book that other job? Why aren’t I further along? 

Quite the contrary.


Unconditional self-love is accepting whatever is going on within you without trying to change it, alter it, make it go away or tell yourself “I shouldn’t be feeling this way.”

When you are about to beat yourself up for __________ (insert your favorite reason here: not being further along, not being more positive, not booking the job etc.) you are putting a condition on how much you choose to love yourself in this moment.

The #1 Question To Ask To Transform Your Life + Acting Career:

Ask yourself: Is this choice guided by love?
Is beating myself up guided by love? No. 
Is getting mad at myself for not being further along guided by love?  No.
Is berating myself for not feeling better right now guided by love?  No.

When you allow ALL of your feelings to be heard, + accepted, they will not fight you for airtime.

When you can allow your own suffering during the down times to have a voice, then self-compassion naturally arises.

In fact, by definition, compassion means to be with (com) suffering (pati).

When you can simply be with your own suffering without judgment, blame, shame or pushing it away, you will be exercising self-compassion – a choice that is always guided by love.

This is why RESISTING feeling “bad” feels so bad.  You are simply not accepting a part of you that needs to be expressed.

So, while you are riding the emotional ups + downs of the roller coaster ride that is your acting career on any given week, remind yourself that you have a choice in every moment, and you can choose a reaction (to yourself + others) that is guided by love.

Here’s to a week of loving yourself, no matter how many auditions you have (or don’t have) or jobs you book (or don’t book. )

Either way, you are still amazing.

Love + Gratitude,


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3 thoughts on “#1 Question To Ask To Transform Your Life + Acting Career”

  1. Thank you for this today, Wendy! Perfect timing. Self-compassion reminders are coming at me from multiple directions this morning. I’m paying attention! 🙂

    1. Melanie,

      So glad you are paying attention to the synchronicity around you really getting the message. Self-conpassion is really the key to the kingdom of happiness.

      Here’s to self-love,

    2. Melanie,

      I’m so glad this spoke to you at the perfect time. Sounds like self-compassion synchronicity. All signs are pointing to self-love! Glad you are getting the message. Feels good for sure!
      ~ Wendy

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Every product and program I’ve created is the culmination of 20+ years of real-life experience testing and refining the tools, methods and practices that have helped me to build a successful acting career, as well as enjoy an abundant, balanced + fulfilling life.


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How To Stand Out In Every Audition, Book More Jobs & Elevate Your Career

(Without Letting Nerves, Negative Noise or 

Nagging Self-Doubt Sabotage Your Success)