3 Steps To Managing Times Of Uncertainty In Your Acting Career

It’s easy to book a job, shoot it + then have a quiet week in your acting career. (That was me 2 weeks ago.)

It’s also easy to let a quiet week (or 2 or 3) in your acting career get you down.  But what if you added no negative meaning to any of it, and instead looked at it like this:

What else can you do when you feel like nothing is working out for you?

You learn to love the void?  Why?

“Love the void, for even though nothing seems to be happening, it is a time when much inner work is being done. In the void you have the opportunity to create a new and higher future. Times of uncertainty are also times of new possibilities. Picture having everything you want. You may even find yourself learning to love the void for the opportunity it offers to take quantum leaps and accelerate your growth.”

When your thoughts are consumed with what isn’t working, what hasn’t happened yet or trying to figure out how it will all show up, you are actually pushing away the new miracle that is on its way to you.

“Your own energy can deflect whatever miracle might occur.” – Marianne Williamson

So, instead of going down the rabbit hole of despair…

Here are 3 steps to managing times of uncertainty in your acting career:

1) Make peace with where you are + know that it is temporary.
3) Realign your mind with a deep inner knowing that everything always works out for you.
2) Take new inspired actions after you’ve done the inner work.

When you combine a love of where you are, the mindset that you are on the right path + inspired action to help keep you moving, you have the recipe for making miracles happen.

Besides, 99% of all manifestation happens before you see any evidence of it!  #KeepGoing.

Here’s to you loving the void , taking a quantum leap + making miracles happen.

Love + Gratitude,

~Wendy Braun

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2 thoughts on “3 Steps To Managing Times Of Uncertainty In Your Acting Career”

  1. Wendy, you are truly amazing. I just woke up from a nap because I am having one of the weeks (note the plural) that you describe above. I literally went to sleep crying, so focused on the negative. Just woke up and am scrolling through email, only to realize I hadn’t yet read your Monday Morning Mindset. Wow! What incredible timing. Your message came at the exact perfect time. Thank you for the reminder that 99% of the work is inner work and reversing my beliefs.

    1. Brooke,
      It seems our timing was divine. This career can be quite a roller coaster ride the trick is to hang on during the down times, because it will always change. Sometimes taking a nap is actually the best thing you can do – it helps realign your mental energy focus! And I’m all for having a good cry too – the body needs to release it. I hope you find that the timing of my message is actually evidence that things really ARE working out for you. Keep collecting the evidence and don’t add too much meaning to the uncertain times. You got this, Brooke.

      Thanks for sharing your experience I am so glad my words helped you!


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Every product and program I’ve created is the culmination of 20+ years of real-life experience testing and refining the tools, methods and practices that have helped me to build a successful acting career, as well as enjoy an abundant, balanced + fulfilling life.


It brings me so much joy to know that my work has now deeply touched the lives + careers of thousands of creatives worldwide.


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How To Stand Out In Every Audition, Book More Jobs & Elevate Your Career

(Without Letting Nerves, Negative Noise or 

Nagging Self-Doubt Sabotage Your Success)