From Major Fears To Major Success: Alison Halstead’s #SuccessBreakthrough Story

London-based actress, Alison Halstead, was waking up feeling terrible fear, doubting herself and wondering if there was a place for her in this business.   (Maybe you can relate?)

Not only did she overcome her major fears, she turned them into major bookings, including a supporting role in a giant feature film franchise.  She went from wondering where she fit in, to sharing the stage with the legendary, Sir Ian McKellan.

I connected with Alison to find out what she did to create so many breakthroughs, so you could learn from them too.  I hope that in sharing Alison’s triumphant story, you will see that…

No matter how frustrated you may feel (or how long it’s been since you’ve worked), that you can turn things around, transform your life and succeed in your career at a whole new level.

And that, yes…
there is space for you in this business, too.

Alison’s interview is full of epic insights, tangible takeaways and empowering advice.

Enjoy “From Major Fears To Major Success: Alison Halstead’s #SuccessBreakthrough Story.”

Read the full interview below.

Wendy: Your story is so inspiring, Alison. Take us back to the beginning, what were you struggling with before we met?

Alison: I had been struggling with self-belief. I’m a short-statured, dark-skinned Black woman and struggled with believing that, because of my height, there was a place for me on-screen. I had difficulty seeing myself there.

What were you searching for at that time?

I needed a different way to be. Intrinsically, I understood that my wholeness couldn’t come from whether I was working or not.

I was deeply attracted to your message: that only being happy when one was booking, was backwards. And, I wanted to know more.

Yes!  It’s amazing what happens in actor’s lives and careers when they embrace this concept and learn what to do instead.  So tell me what began to shift for you?

There were SO MANY things I could implement right away after enrolling in The Success Breakthrough Workshop.  And quite quickly, I experienced many inner and outer breakthroughs.

Amazing! Tell me about the inner breakthroughs first, because we both know they have to be in place for the outer breakthroughs unfold easily.

I used to, upon waking, have a terrible fear.  Habitual, for sure.

Now, when I wake up, because of your tools, I do a visualization and I am able to create a feeling of gratitude, excitement and wholeness.

How I leave my bed…how I start my day…the thoughts that I think…have completely changed.  On my fridge, there are curled post-it notes with daily declarations that I read each morning, as I drink water.

Those two simple acts afford me such a different perspective to my whole day. I don’t always want to take the time (5 mere minutes!), but I do, because the practice is a better way to be.

I actively try to be kind. To myself, to everyone. To find ways to have fun. To play. I love that your tools talk so much about having fun.

Yes!  Because when we are having fun, we see signs that we’d otherwise miss, right?  So you started shifting your inner game and how you approached your day-to-day life, and then what happened?

So many things started happening! I booked my first feature film in a huge franchise! I booked and worked for a month in Budapest, then completed a week in Aqaba, Jordan. And the same day my agent told me I booked the feature, I also booked a new TV show.

And, days after that, I booked a lead in a show at a major theatre, but declined the offer, as I was going to be doing the feature film.

Wow!  So you went from major fears and doubting yourself to turning down offers because you were so busy booking?

Yes!  And I was so grateful to also have The Ultimate Audition + Performance Collection& Master Toolkit, because now I was on set, working opposite celebrities!

In fact, on the way to set, I listened to the ‘Working Opposite Celebrities’ meditation/visualization which helped me to feel calm and grounded.

I’m so grateful to have invested in that entire collection. The suite of audios enabled me to focus fully, take in the other person and do the thing I love so much.

To be free and create and play. To let go. Breathe… I had so much fun! So. Much. Fun.

I love knowing that the entire collection helped you.  Isn’t it crazy how you can book the job, but the nerves don’t go away?  We all need tools to keep us centered. That’s why I created it.

Yes!  Everyday, on set, I looked for ways to be of service, to be kind to everyone, to not gossip, to be filled with gratitude. The whole experience was glorious! Truly. And, all of that was because of your tools.

My first feature film experience was magical. Booking that wasn’t an accident. I intended that for myself, using your tools and all I learned inside The Success Breakthrough Workshop.

That makes my heart sing, Alison.  I’m always blown away by the amazing results my students have, and how it comes rather quickly and always from the personal inner transformation, not by “doing more.”  Isn’t it fun to experience that? 

Yes! Absolutely.  In fact, it was in the middle of doing the course, (I don’t think I’d completed all the modules yet), where I booked a juicy part in a play, at big-named London theatre.

I then booked The Cherry Orchard at Theatre Royal Windsor and shared the stage with an incredible cast and worked with acting legends like Sir Ian McKellan

That is incredible, Alison!  This role looks dynamic and like tons of fun.  What a major win and an epic experience that must have been. Congratulations! And you’re still using the tools and teachings to this day as your life and career continues to evolve, is that right?

Yes.  I have a card on my kitchen counter, tucked behind the utensils tin that reads, ‘I am enough.’  The card has been there since 2022, when I first wrote it.  I see it constantly, as I move about my kitchen.

Now, every time I start a new, challenging thing and the fear inevitably creeps in, I remind myself that ‘I am enough.’ The message is now embedded.

I set reminders in my iphone, that are spread out throughout my day, that contains a message that I read. I see the message, I read + take a breath.

Throughout the course, there were so many awesome declarations you teach, that I’ve incorporated into my daily practice.

My fridge has post-it notes all over, that I read when I’m having my first glass of water, in the morning.  ‘I look for good + find it everywhere I go. I easily take inspired action.’  A classic!

It’s incredible what shows up when you do that, right?  You are living proof of that.  So what has been the biggest change in your life or career since then?

The biggest change is that I am proud of myself.

Everyday, I write in The Spotlight Journal and I tell myself I am proud of myself.

Before doing SBW (Success Breakthrough Workshop) that was not a thing.

Nothing has to change in my life, for me to be happy, right now.

I remind myself daily to take nothing personally (how I look can generate specific responses from folks).

And, I look for ways to have fun. Seek out fun. Play.

That is so powerful.  What a magical place to be as an artist, and as a human being.

The fear can still come, but I now know that if I can bear the discomfort, get comfortable with being uncomfortable, and then go on to take inspired action, and in doing so, I’m readying myself for a quantum leap.

Or, I can do nothing, take no action, and also be ok.  I’m not bad or wrong.  It’s about Courage! Kindness. To myself. To others.

What a wonderful headspace to get to, and to have so many major successes show up as a result.  And yet, you still seek mentorship and I love that you are part of my ongoing VIP community, inside The Spotlight Club. What made you decide to continue on this path with additional tools and support?

I know me.  I know that as much as I have my own daily practice, I needed something more continuous.

The kind of support that provides a way to continue to shift my mindset and framing around acting/creating/being.

The Spotlight Club affords me the opportunity to utilize new tools and offers ongoing support. Also, I enjoy the ongoing connection inside the Spotlight Community—creatives who share their own challenges + insights.

The financial investment was tricky for a bit, but then I booked work + I invested in The Spotlight Club for a full year. Best decision ever.

I love knowing that and I love having you in our private community.  What specifically has helped you?

So many things.  The monthly, themed meditations, along with new corresponding daily declarations (which I use to update the reminders in my phone).

The live monthly calls with you. Those group interactive workshops with accompanying sheets, that enables each person to work through something, around the theme of the month. 

The sessions not only affords me a guide on how I might take actionable steps, in any area I chose, but also reminds me to take those actions from a compassionate + loving place. Does that sound strange?

As someone who used to be so hard on herself, I am not anymore.  ‘Fun along the way’ was a recent Spotlight Club audio and theme and I now actively seek out fun, while I take big, bold, expansive actions.

Yes.  That is what I want for all my members.  More fun along the way and bigger bolder more expansive actions.  I love that you feel so supported in doing both.

I do.  There is just a feeling of vulnerability, as people really do share where they are, presently.

And, there is such generous support. When there are guest speakers, those are great also. I then follow them on Instagram, continuing to use these industry experts as a resource.

Yes. I love connecting powerful creatives from around the world and helping you forge those relationships. We really do dive deep and I love witnessing the ongoing transformation of members like you.  How has Spotlight Club helped you after completing the course?

The Spotlight Club has been a bridge that has enabled me to expand…and continue to expand.  To be even more courageous…but with less anxiety.  With so much gratitude, those goals that I achieved in 2022 in The Success Breakthrough Workshop, seem so small, now.

I love that!  Which is why it’s so much fun to see SBW students return year after year to set new goals.

With the ongoing help of The Spotlight Club, the vision I have for myself is biiiiiiig–I am able to take bold actions in all areas of my life. Continuing to evolve + grow…how I see myself…where I see myself.

This was the year of labor action. With the uncertainty due to the double strikes, The Spotlight Club has given me tools to be and feel whole during it all.

The daily practice.  And, in the moments where I need support or feel less sure, I am part of a community where I can be vulnerable + truthful.  And, not feel alone.

The Spotlight Club supports me to envision a full, abundant, artistic life, while supporting me to take bold actions that enables me to co-create it.

YES!  That has always been my mission.  You so clearly define it and live it too.  I love hearing this from you.

The most valuable thing I learned from doing the course is that I can shift any thought and how to re-frame any limiting belief.

The Success Breakthrough Workshop helped me believe that how I look + sound attracts me to the right people + the right opportunities. That I am enough.

What advice would you give to other actors?

Hmmm…Look for ways and activities that move you, that you can do fully, that brings you joy, in all areas of your life. Be easy + kind with yourself. For realsies. And, know you are enough. Foster kindness for yourself.

What are three words that best describe you?

Grateful, playful, and powerful.

Ah yes! Where can we see you these days?

You can catch me next in a supporting role in the second installment of a major movie franchise.

Looking back, I realized that in one week, the goals that I had written in my Success Breakthrough Goal Planner while doing the course…I had beyond achieved them all.

And then there’s the insights I’ve gained…  The importance of an ongoing daily practice of gratitude. Cultivating + deepening compassion. For myself.  For others.

Taking bold action not only for my career, but in all areas of my life.

Tell us which audios are on your “Favorites Playlist” these days?

Relaxing With What Is (very helpful to get to sleep);
I am Deserving
It is Done
and all of The Ultimate Audition + Performance Collection & Master Toolkit.

Where can we find you online?

Any parting words or a favorite quote?
Yes, yours always ring true.

“I don’t have to be perfect.
Good enough is better than not at all.
I will figure it out and adjust as I go.”
– Wendy Braun.

Isn’t that the truth?  What an honor it has been to shine the spotlight on your glorious journey, Alison.   To know that my programs. tools and teachings have played a part in your epic success brings me so much joy.  I can’t wait to see what is next for you.

And to my readers,  leave a comment below and let us know what spoke to you in Alison’s story.

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Hey, I’m Wendy!

Every product and program I’ve created is the culmination of 20+ years of real-life experience testing and refining the tools, methods and practices that have helped me to build a successful acting career, as well as enjoy an abundant, balanced + fulfilling life.


It brings me so much joy to know that my work has now deeply touched the lives + careers of thousands of creatives worldwide.


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How To Stand Out In Every Audition, Book More Jobs & Elevate Your Career

(Without Letting Nerves, Negative Noise or 

Nagging Self-Doubt Sabotage Your Success)