Bring This Perspective To Rock Your Next Audition…

When I watch my 2 toddlers run around in our backyard, I am reminded of our innate sense of play.
They so purely embody that feeling of having fun, not caring who is watching + not bothered by what others are doing.

What if you reclaimed the “I Am Here To Play” perspective this week? What if you walked into every audition thinking:

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As actors, that is usually why we pursued this path – to creatively play for a living.  It’s easy to lose that sense of play when you start giving every audition a lot of meaning + importance.

And even though you have rent or a mortgage to pay, getting back to playing in the  audition room will help you succeed every time.

I have literally walked into rooms, looked everyone in the eye and (in my head) acknowledged them all as my playmates.

Even if someone is eating lunch during my audition, I just think “Oh, that playmate must be hungry,” or “That playmate didn’t want to make me wait outside and stop the fun while he ate.”  See how this perspective keeps you in a great place no matter what is going on in the room?

When you begin to treat your auditions as your time to play, you will bring a lighter + more present version of you into the room.
People always notice the one who just loves to play.

Have a great week!

~Wendy Braun

Morning Mindset Meditation

When I bring a sense of play into all of my auditions, I bring my most present self into the room.

When I view casting directors, producers and directors as playmates, I bring a sense of fun to my work.

I love what I do.  I no longer concern myself with what “they” are looking for.  I am looking to have fun.  Period.

Acting is playing.  I now see everyone as my playmates + we all play together on the same playground.

I love to play in the audition room.  It puts me + everyone else at ease.I own my uniqueness in the audition room

When I fully commit to playing, I don’t care what anyone else thinks.

What would it take for me to bring a sense of play into my auditions + my life this week more than ever before?

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2 thoughts on “Bring This Perspective To Rock Your Next Audition…”

  1. Perfect. Absolutely. Auditioners do not want to suffer. Play in front of them. Make them happy. They will remember that you made them happy, thus have talent and are easy to work with.

    Thank you, Wendy. You’re a gem.

    PS. We can apply this to the rest of our daily lives, too.

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(Without Letting Nerves, Negative Noise or 

Nagging Self-Doubt Sabotage Your Success)