How Small Shifts Can Equal Big Results (And How To Tune Into Abundance Now)

Sometimes it’s the smallest shift that can produce the biggest results.

I see it every day with the hundreds of amazing actors I have the privilege of mentoring in my course + in my private coaching community and I always marvel at how easily + quickly the inner breakthroughs invite in the outer breakthroughs.

If you’ve been putting in a lot of effort this year + already feeling exhausted, I want to help remind you of who you really are + encourage you to pause today, let go of limitation + breathe in the feelings of abundance.

You are abundant at your core.
Everything about you is abundant.

From the cells in your body to the neural pathways in your brain, to the taste buds on your tongue, you are made up of pure abundance.

You are worthy of your biggest dreams.
You are worthy of your biggest dreams + you have the ability to magnetize what you want towards you.

It all begins with your emotions, since what you feel, you attract + what you imagine, you become.

Anything you were taught growing up about money or success that isn’t in alignment with pure + total abundance, you can take a moment, to simply breathe, release + let go of it all now.

Do this quick breathing + expansion exercise with me now…

Breathe in the energy of abundance.
Exhale + let go of any feelings of lack,

Breathe in the feeling of expansion.
Exhale + let go of any limitation.

Breathe in the feeling of gratitude.
Let go of focusing on what’s missing.

Breath in unlimited possibility.
Exhale + let go of any childhood programming.

Breathe in + feel the love in your heart.
Exhale + let go of listening to the mind.

It is the critical mind that keeps us from our biggest dreams.

Once we can recognize that voice within that tells us we’re not enough, it’s too late, it will never happen, we can pull those deep rooted weeds + plant a new seed of thought.

See if you can recognize a negative thought before it gets rooted within you and becomes a belief.

Breath into it, acknowledge it, let it go + return to the abundance of who you really are at your core.

Here’s to a week of noticing the abundance all around you + within you.

Leave a comment below + let me know what inner shift you are making this week.

Love + Gratitude,
– Wendy

P.S. Ready to make small shifts for big results? Join my free training and start your transformation today!

How Small Shifts Can Equal Big Results (And How To Tune Into Abundance Now) - Complimentary On-Demand Training: How To Stand Out In Every Audition. Book More Jobs + Elevate Your Career

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19 thoughts on “How Small Shifts Can Equal Big Results (And How To Tune Into Abundance Now)”

  1. I’ve been reading one of your blog posts every day and have been wonderfully productive. It’s really amazing, actually, how just spending five simple, focused minutes can affect the rest of the day (but you know that). Thank you for this and for everything.

  2. I am Gregory Darksen in Vancouver.
    Abundance? Abundance!
    Believe, or not? It’s always a matter
    of CHOICE!
    I believe that I, that we will create a new
    Film company that will excel and surpass
    the giants!
    I believe that the first three series
    we together, create, “THE LUCIFER
    and, “LOVE SIN VEIN”(c).
    Two of our films are,
    “YOU HAD ME AT HALO!”(c),
    & “BEST BEFORE DATE!”(c),
    The latter is this comedy about
    this nebbish that’s savagely
    dissed by this diva, at this
    Speed Dating Evening,
    who promises to Love him
    when, he’s, “The Last Man On Earth!”.
    So, that night he goes home broken
    and wakes up, crrushed the next
    morning…then goes off and has
    himself Cryogenically frozen
    until there’s a cure for what he’s got,
    this, broken heart, until one day in the
    Future he wakes, believing there’s
    a cure, to find there’s only two
    Human’s left during this, Zombie
    Apocalypse, himself and, her!
    I am a creator, writer, actor,
    and a comic.
    Our company is, “TARAXACUM”(c)
    Pictures Vancouver.
    Ask. Seek. Believe.

  3. Thanks Wendy! I had an uncle come visit and he really laid into me about what if nothing comes of this….but you lifted up my spirits with this.

  4. I’m a pretty strong person, and lately I’ve been going through a low in my life however as I slowly formulate a new plan for myself, part of that decision has been to go full- time, into acting and the other half to make the move to CA.
    What has been interesting is that my current situation in no way shows that I’ll be out of a rut soon and yesterday as one of my good friend made this statement, “I don’t get this acting business/obsession,” I was able to give a reasonable response but it left me feeling defeated and emotional.
    As I prepped for bed last night I felt like giving up on everything that I’ve been doing creatively. My current reality doesn’t reflect how much enthusiasm I have for my creative expressions particularly in acting and I was dreading every thought that was coming to mind on quitting and settling.
    Nonetheless as I working through today and reading up on affirmations, getting my vision board together, this blog post couldn’t have come at a better time, thank you for your words of encouragement, truly appreciated reading through the post.

  5. Love this post. Announced an ambitious project yesterday
    and I was amazed at the response. Now to keep up the work I have been putting in. I’ve learned to let go of fear and put it out there. It’s very scary sometimes to share your projects,
    talents and dreams with the world, but letting go of what people will think can be very empowering

    1. Thanks again Wendy for giving this away to us actors – etc freely! So much so often $$$$$$$ demands clouds the simlicity of things! Of life itself..After all from a biblical sense- it has been often times said; ” Freely we give- freely we receive! And blessed art thou the Lord!”
      Mark A.Winn

      1. Always happy to do so. I do love freely giving. I get so much in return knowing I’ve helped another. 😉 Glad this spoke to you.

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Every product and program I’ve created is the culmination of 20+ years of real-life experience testing and refining the tools, methods and practices that have helped me to build a successful acting career, as well as enjoy an abundant, balanced + fulfilling life.


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