How To Overcome Overwhelm

How is it October already?

As my kids were noticing Halloween costumes in the stores this weekend, I turned a corner and saw the Christmas ornaments being displayed.  What?

With only three months left until the end of the year, the feeling of overwhelm can arise from added commitments, responsibilities and heightened expectations.

Maybe you have a long “to-do” list as we head into the holiday season or you’re wanting to tackle that one creative project that you never seem to find time to finish.  Perhaps the thought of taking action sends you into overwhelm and you end up cleaning your desk or binge watching Game of Thrones instead?

If we want to overcome overwhelm, we must first understand what it is exactly.

I love this advice, from best-selling author Esther Hicks, and I wanted to offer my own perspective as well.

So here we are together….

So how do you overcome overwhelm?

By getting into the receiving mode.

In fact, when you have a desire, imagine that part of you energetically becomes one with that desire.

So whether you want to write your own web-series or run a 10k, begin with the end in mind and imagine that a part of you has already completed it.

If you can sit for 5-10 minutes before you begin your “overwhelming” task and find a way to connect with what it will feel like when you’ve completed it, you will find that inspiration strikes and creative energy flows.

But if you come from the perspective that you have no time and you don’t have any ideas, you most likely will stay stuck in that feeling of resistance.

(And yes, sometimes overwhelm requires you taking a break, taking a walk or even watch I Love Lucy reruns.)

But to truly overcome overwhelm and take the steps you need to complete a project, you must find a way to get into the “receiving mode,” a frame of mind where you are receiving inspiration, receiving guidance and allowing things to flow.

Know that overcoming overwhelm is about aligning your mind, first and taking action, second.

When you stop running around in a panic and start seeing the end result in your mind first, the “how” will become clearer and the way will begin to light up.

Here’s to receiving what you told the Universe you wanted, before the end of the year.

Love + Gratitude,


P.S.  Feel free to leave a comment below or share the love here…

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