How To Shift Your Mood & Career: Take The Positive Career Pledge

I have doubts about almost everything. I don’t think there’s an actor that doesn’t have huge gaps in confidence. I’m not confident as an actor, I’m not confident as a director. I just know I can complete the day.-George Clooney

Every actor out there has felt doubtful, negative, and frustrated, even George Clooney! It’s what you do with these feelings that determines your outcome.

What if you made a positive career pledge to love, honor and respect yourself in the face of your biggest challenges? Sign your own “Positive Career Pledge” here and watch your mood and career shift. 

I created “The Positive Career Pledge” as a way to help actors (myself included!) admit and face negative feelings (which helps its power diminish), and refocus the mind on a better feeling thought.

Print out this career pledge, sign it, date it, and recite it daily. Making new declarations of self-love around your acting career will not only shift how you feel, but what begins to show up in your career will begin to change as well.

The Positive Career Pledge

I, _____________________, pledge to love, honor, and respect myself on this amazing acting journey that I have chosen.

I will no longer define my value or worth by how successful I am in my acting career.
I am a being of infinite worth and abundance.

When I find myself feeling negative, I will choose to look for the good.
What I focus on expands.

When I find myself feeling doubtful, I will choose a new thought.
My beliefs are just thoughts I keep thinking.

When I find myself feeling hopeless, I will find the strength to keep going.
Unexpected wonderful surprises are just around the corner.

When I feel frustrated, I will take a break.
My actions serve me best when my energy is lined up with what I want.

When I feel jealous of someone’s credits or representation, I will choose abundance.
There is enough for all of us, including me.

When I find myself questioning my path, I will listen for divine guidance.
How and when things will all unfold are not up to me.

When I find myself wanting to give up, I will take a break and do something fun.
The more I play in my life, the more joy shows up in my career.

When I find myself wanting the job, I will let go and detach from the outcome.
When I am detached, I am magical and invite in unlimited possibilities.

When I don’t get the job, I will make peace with where I am.
Something better is always on its way to me.

When I feel like I’ve had all the success I’m going to experience, I will breathe.
My best days are ahead of me.

When I harshly judge myself, I will choose to see me through the eyes of love.
My own negative self-talk is the only thing standing in my way.

When I’m feeling sorry for myself, I will look for things to be grateful for.
I express gratitude everywhere I turn.

Today, I have a choice.
I choose a positive reaction today, knowing that tomorrow is created by me.

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Hey, I’m Wendy!

Every product and program I’ve created is the culmination of 20+ years of real-life experience testing and refining the tools, methods and practices that have helped me to build a successful acting career, as well as enjoy an abundant, balanced + fulfilling life.


It brings me so much joy to know that my work has now deeply touched the lives + careers of thousands of creatives worldwide.


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How To Stand Out In Every Audition, Book More Jobs & Elevate Your Career

(Without Letting Nerves, Negative Noise or 

Nagging Self-Doubt Sabotage Your Success)