No matter where you get to in your career, there will always be someone else farther along.
The competitive mind loves to compare and despair. Your ego will convince you that if you just had: a better agent, more credits, a bigger role, more lines, a nomination, or a trophy from the Academy that you would be happier.
When jealousy moves into your mind, it often brings with it a few close cousins, namely fear + doubt. All of this mental gymnastics is really an illusion, albeit very convincing , to keep you believing that you are separate. The more you allow jealousy to lead your thoughts, the deeper you are rooting yourself in a state of lack, and of course, none of it feels good.
It is the creative mind, not the competitive mind, that connects you to your true power, abundance + worthiness.
So, what to do when jealousy strikes? Make this your priority:
When you take time daily to quiet your mind, open your heart + relax your body, you will shift from a state of fear to love, from doubt to positive expectation.
Once you make this a practice, your friends can get nominated + win awards, actors you know can book jobs or sign with a new agent + and you won’t use their success to demonstrate to yourself that it can’t happen for you, but instead, you’ll see it all in a whole new light.
In fact, the happier you can be for someone who is succeeding, the more in alignment you are with your own abundance.
So why not use the successes of others as a close example of what is possible for you. In fact, go ahead and do that. The more someone around you succeeds, the more you can begin to positively expect that you will too, since we are all connected + abundance abounds.
Here’s to quieting your mind, opening your heart, relaxing your body, knowing that nothing is missing + the best is yet to come.
Love + Gratitude,
~Wendy Braun
P.S. Leave a comment below + let me know what YOU do when jealousy strikes?
2 thoughts on “What To Do When Jealousy Strikes?”
Great article Wendy! I’m supportive of my family and friends, and appreciate when they are supportive of me. It’s a win-win feel good connection! 🙂
Awesome Pamela!! That always feels best brings more abundance your way. Good for you!
~ Wendy