10 Ways To Make Space For Success

Spring is the perfect time to clear the clutter + create space for what you really want to have happen in your acting career. When you get rid of anything that doesn’t serve a positive purpose in your life, you make room for things that will.

Clutter-clearing is modern-day alchemy.”
~ Denise Linn 

To invite more of anything into your life – acting success, a loving relationship, money or anything else, you need to make space for it to show up + for it to want to stay with you.  It’s almost like preparing for a guest to show up in your home that you can’t wait to have visit.

When you hold on too tightly you actually block the flow of abundance.
Here are 4 ways we block success:

  1. Sometimes we hold on too tightly to money, not allowing it to flow to + from us.
  2. Sometimes we hold on too tightly to things that we don’t need or love.
  3. Sometimes we hold on too tightly to beliefs that just aren’t true.
  4. Sometimes we hold on too tightly to relationships that aren’t supporting us in the way we would like. (personal or business)

Why? We hold on out of fear.  Fear of change.  Fear of the unknown.  Fear of abandonment.

“Clutter is a physical manifestation of fear
that cripples our ability to grow.”
~ H.G. Chissell

Remember, that when you have a desire, then you have the means to achieve it.
In fact, here’s an exciting realization: Your idea about what you want comes after the Universe has made it possible.


Here are 10 Ways To Create Space For More Success:

1) Take Inventory
To help you assess your clutter – physically, mentally, emotionally + spiritually, ask yourself these 4 questions:

  1. Where is there clutter in my physical space? Simply ask yourself, which rooms, drawers or closets are tiring just thinking abut them? Walk around your home, make a list + start with the first one.
  2. Where is there clutter in my mental space? Notice if you fill up your mental space with negative or positive thoughts + messages? Seek out blogs + books that inspire you.
  3. Where is there clutter in my spiritual space? How often am I taking time to simply be still + breathe?  Am I accessing my highest-self daily? Create a daily practice that helps you relax. 
  4. Where is there clutter in my emotional space? Am I holding on to emotions or relationships (business or personal) that I can now let go of? If you let go of fear, would you end it?

2) Clear out your wallet
Get rid of old receipts, expired coupons, and that guy or girl’s number that you’re never going to call. Align your bills to all face forward. Take care of your money as you would your lover and watch your money love you right back.

3) Get rid of old headshots
Do you have a box of old headshots from 2003? Guess what? They’re outdated + taking up energy. Keep 1 if you must to show the grandkids one day + recycle the rest.

4) Clear out old DVDs
Do you have your old reel on a DVD, or worse, a VHS tape? It’s time to transfer what you want to keep to a hard-drive and recycle the rest. It will feel so good to do this. You are making room for your future performances.

5) Clean out your car
If you drive to auditions, the state of your car effects how you feel. Make sure it’s clean + organized, and that you get rid of garbage every time you get out of it, so it doesn’t pile up.

6) Clear out your closet
You’ve probably heard of the 80/20 rule. You wear only 20% of your clothes 80% of the time. So, if you haven’t worn it in a season or two or it doesn’t fit anymore, donate it. Then ask yourself these questions when you’re thinking about buying something new: Do I love it? Does it make me feel great? Will it look great at auditions? (On camera, keep in mind that solid colors are always better than patterns + stripes.)

7) Clear out your inbox + paper mail
I’m still working on mastering this one, but when you tend to your mail + email every day + clear out what you don’t want + file the rest, you will create space for new messages + create a lot less stress.

8) Let go of energy suckers
These are people who literally suck the energy right out of you. When you let go of these types of people in your life you’ll make room for ones who uplift you. If they constantly call you to complain about their lives, try answering the phone less.

9) Let go of business relationships that aren’t serving you.
Take a good long look at your year so far. If you have representation that is not helping you create the career you desire, ask yourself, is it time to let them go? Is it time to sit down a + talk with them? I believe in open communication first, but then let your intuition (not your fear of the unknown) guide you to create the career you want.

10) Clear your mind
Ultimately, making time every day to clear your mind will help you in all areas of your life. Exercising is a great “active” meditation, where you quiet your mind and only focus on the task at hand. Guided Meditation helps you focus your intentions + energy to bring you more of what you want + less of what you don’t. Whatever you do, make it a daily habit.

All of these ideas are easy-to-do, and easy-not-to-do….taking consistent action will be up to you!

Here hoping you begin to make space for more success starting today!
Love + Gratitude,

Wendy Braun

Morning Mindset Meditation

I am ready to make space for more success.

I know that when I let go of what is no longer serving me in my life, I make room for abundance to flow my way.

When I come across something I don’t really need, but it brings up a memory, I remind myself that I can keep the memory without keeping the thing.

I trust that I am making all the right decisions when clearing my clutter.

Instead of holding on to things that I think I might need one day, I trust in the Universe to supply me with exactly what I need at the perfect time and in the perfect way.

It is okay for me to let go.

I keep only things I love.

I spend my time with people who uplift me and inspire me.

I let go of those who no longer serve my highest good.

I easily and effortlessly allow myself to change my environment + when I do, I make room for more success.

Leave a comment below + declare what clutter YOU are going to clear + what you’d like to make space for…

Also, if you liked this article, share it with a friend.  Thanks!

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Hey, I’m Wendy!

Every product and program I’ve created is the culmination of 20+ years of real-life experience testing and refining the tools, methods and practices that have helped me to build a successful acting career, as well as enjoy an abundant, balanced + fulfilling life.


It brings me so much joy to know that my work has now deeply touched the lives + careers of thousands of creatives worldwide.


Many have felt these transformative tools + practical teachings were the missing piece of the puzzle.


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How To Stand Out In Every Audition, Book More Jobs & Elevate Your Career

(Without Letting Nerves, Negative Noise or 

Nagging Self-Doubt Sabotage Your Success)