3 Strategies To Help You Get What You Want…Faster

There are three powerful strategies to help you get what you want…faster.  They will sll help speed up the manifestation process of your biggest dreams.

Add just one into your daily routine + you will feel a shift.  Make all three a daily practice + you just might need to set new goals by June.

  1. Visualizing what you want + feeling yourself living it.
  2. Letting go of what no longer serves you. (people, thoughts, beliefs)
  3. Taking bold action.

If you’re feeling a slow start to the new year, odds are you might need to add one (or all three) of the above strategies to your daily habits.

If you feel stuck in any way, it’s a signal to alter your brain’s focus from the thoughts you are thinking and the beliefs you are holding to be true to something more empowering.

Simply taking time daily to let go of thoughts that don’t feel good + no longer serve your vision will help you gain clarity on what bold action to take next.

These three strategies are all intertwined.  When you visualize what you want + find the feeling place of it, it’s easier to let go of negative thoughts + the next logical steps will be more easily revealed to you.

The subconscious mind can’t tell the difference between what is real + what is imagined.  The language of your subconscious mind is one of emotion.

That’s why guided meditation + visualization is one of the fastest ways to retrain your brain, because it helps you find the feeling place of what your big dream will feel like, and the subconscious mind begins to act as if it is so.

As actors, we use the power of our imagination + visualizing all the time for a role.  Why not use it to upgrade your career?

When you have a crystal clear vision of your big goal, knowing what it is you need to let go of is the next crucial piece of the puzzle.

The real reason bigger desires often take longer to manifest, is because you have to let go of your smallness to let in something that big.
– Jafree Oswald

Your smallness is always chosen by you + today, you can choose to let it go.

Here’s to allowing in something really big + knowing you deserve it.

Love + Gratitude,


Morning Mindset Meditations:

Here are some mindset mantras to help you get started:

I get to choose today which story I want to believe as true and that which is simply created by my mind.

As I relax into this very moment, I access my pure awareness.

I change the course of my life today by changing the focus of my thoughts.

I take time to align my mind with what I want + the next logical step is always revealed to me.

I lean into what scares me + know that I am safe.

I am ready for huge changes in my life. I am ready to let go of what no longer serves me. 

I act before I feel 100% ready. My inspired action always propels me forward

I am limitless. I am powerful. 

I take time to see + feel myself living my biggest dream.

I don’t have to know HOW I am going to get there.

I take action expecting things go well for me.

If a setback occurs, I don’t give up on myself.   I keep going + allow the lessons to light the way.

I am guided.  I am ready.  I am enjoying the journey + ready for something even bigger to manifest in my life beginning now.

What bold action are you going to take this week?  What are you excited to let go of?  Leave a comment below.

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Every product and program I’ve created is the culmination of 20+ years of real-life experience testing and refining the tools, methods and practices that have helped me to build a successful acting career, as well as enjoy an abundant, balanced + fulfilling life.


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How To Stand Out In Every Audition, Book More Jobs & Elevate Your Career

(Without Letting Nerves, Negative Noise or 

Nagging Self-Doubt Sabotage Your Success)