Been Tough On Yourself? 5 Ways To Make A Shift Now

Have you been hard on yourself lately? I get it. We all go down that rabbit hole in one way or another at different times.

But I want you to start this week shifting where you are choosing to focus + how you are choosing to see yourself. (Yes, it all begins within).

In fact, I know if you make a few simple shifts this week, you’ll end up feeling better + you’ll actually begin to light up in a different way.

Sometimes the smallest shift creates the biggest result, so practice this today…

If you’re wondering, “How do I do that?” Here are 5 ways to be easy, gentle + more loving with yourself.

1) Check social media less often.

Add settings to your phone that show you how much time you REALLY spend on it daily + you’ll be amazed at how much better you feel when you add a reminder to tell you “You’ve spent 30 minutes on Instagram.” I recently moved the Twitter App off of my main phone’s screen, so i check it less often.

I found that if it wasn’t there, I didn’t check it, and when it was, the constant flow of negative news always got me down.

2) Slow down.

Let go of the idea that if you rush more, you’ll do more. How about slowing down more + savoring the moment more? (And, no I couldn’t do this in my 20’s either). But it’s okay to actually slow down enough to really listen to what’s going on within you.

It’s also okay to sit in silence without checking your phone. Your mind, body + soul will thank you.

3) Make a self-care appointment.

You don’t have to spend a bunch of money to take good care of yourself (although I’m all for treating yourself to life’s luxuries when you have the means). The key is creating an appointment (or several) every single week where you make a promise to yourself (and keep it) to soak in a bath, take a long walk (and take in the fall leaves), get to bed early, get a massage or take a yoga class.

When you treat it with the same importance as an audition, you’re telling yourself that you are valuable.

4) Notice your thoughts + the meaning you are adding.

When you’re not feeling great, notice how you’re thinking. If you find you’re beating yourself up, go back + repeat numbers 1,2 and 3 on this list + see if you feel better. So often we interpret something or someone in a way that doesn’t empower us. We add all kinds of meaning from our limited point of view and make ourselves feel bad. And in this business, it’s quite easy to do, isn’t it?

So next time you’re in a funk, as yourself, “What am I making this mean about me?” As you let go of the meaning, you’ll let go of your suffering.

5) Listen to something uplifting.

Change where you put your focus. Are you listening to something uplifting every single day? Or are you letting the news, the noise, the next shiny object pull your focus? Part of your daily practice of being easy, gentle + loving with yourself is choosing to tune into things (or people) that empower + uplift you.

Lately, I’ve been listening to some great actor podcasts on my morning walk with my dog.

That One Audition
In The Moment with Anthony Meindl 
10,0000 No’s
The Acting Podcast (BGB Studios)
The Hollywood Bound Actor with Christine Horn

I’ve also been listening to my very own latest guided meditation “Trusting The Process.” This is the last day to get it as my gift to you when you join me in The Spotlight Club + Community.

You’ll enjoy the support of like-minded actors (from all over the world) who come together for monthly mindset, meditation, motivation + mentoring with me.

And you’ll get new downloadable gifts each month. You might even find yourself saying something like this….



Click here to join the community + get all the goodies. A double win if you join me today, since you’ll get September AND October gifts.

However you get there, be sure to repeat this list daily + see what shifts for you in the coming week.

Leave a comment below + let me know which one you are going to focus on this week.

Love & Gratitude,


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Hey, I’m Wendy!

Every product and program I’ve created is the culmination of 20+ years of real-life experience testing and refining the tools, methods and practices that have helped me to build a successful acting career, as well as enjoy an abundant, balanced + fulfilling life.


It brings me so much joy to know that my work has now deeply touched the lives + careers of thousands of creatives worldwide.


Many have felt these transformative tools + practical teachings were the missing piece of the puzzle.


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How To Stand Out In Every Audition, Book More Jobs & Elevate Your Career

(Without Letting Nerves, Negative Noise or 

Nagging Self-Doubt Sabotage Your Success)