Morning Mindset Meditation
Every day I have a choice…I choose love over fear.
When I’m in the middle of a conversation, a dilemma, an argument, a decision, an audition, a meeting, traffic, waiting in line, or facing the unknown….I choose love over fear.
When I choose love, I am in alignment with my highest self and I always make the best decision for my highest good.
When I choose my reaction based on fear, I am allowing my ego to run the show using worry, doubt, blame, shame or guilt.
I take a deep breath in, and know that all is really well in my world, and that I can make a conscious choice in every moment to choose love.
I choose my reactions with love.
The more I come from a place of love, the more love shows up in my life + my acting career.
I first give what I would like to receive.
I choose love over fear.
What would it take for me to choose love over fear everywhere I go this week?