How To Make Room For Money To Flow: 9 Actions For Actors

To make room for money to flow to you, there must be space to receive it, both literally + energetically.

Two areas where too much clutter can stop the flow of money into your life are…

  1. Your wallet or purse.
  2. Your mind.

Let’s deal with the tangible one first.

Your wallet or purse serves as a literal home + metaphorical spiritual temple for your money.  Are you treating it as such?

What does your wallet or purse look like? Is it cluttered with old receipts, crumpled bills + business cards of people you never intend to contact?  Is it crammed with expired SAG/AFTRA cards or loyalty cards for stores you rarely visit?

Is there room for more money to flow to you?  Is it inviting?  Do you enjoy going into it?  Or do you get frustrated every time you go spend your money?


Too much stuff in our wallets can actually create an energetic blockage to receiving more money.  We must create the space first.

Here are 9 actions you can take today to make room for money to flow:

(1-5 are all about your wallet, 4-9 are all about your mind.)

1) Remove all of your old receipts.

Don’t clutter your spiritual temple with old energy + faded purchases.
Notate those related to your career + put them in a folder labeled: Acting Expenses.
Notate those related to your personal life + put them in a folder labeled: Personal Expenses.

2) Empty all loose change. 

When you drive around to auditions + have to pay the meter, it used to be you had to carry tons of quarters with you.  Now, most meters take credit cards.  If you still want to be prepared for the occasional coin meter, put 20 quarters in an empty mint tin + leave it in your glove compartment for those times you may need spare change.  Put all remaining change in one container in your home.   Bring it to the bank the next time you deposit any checks.  By removing all of your change, you have literally lightened your load.

3) Remember that the coupon expires.

If you are walking around with tons of old business cards cluttering up your wallet, it is time to enter them into your computer or discard them altogether.  Remind yourself that the “coupon expires,” which means that when someone encourages you to contact them, 6 months after the fact might be too late.  Reach out immediately to the people with whom you’d like to connect.

4) Get rid of loyalty cards you don’t use. 

Pull out all of your punch cards + merchant loyalty cards + decide which ones you are really going to use.  If you have 9 visits to your local car wash + the 10th one is free, great, hold on to it.  But one visit to Wetzel’s Pretzels in the mall, doesn’t mean you need to carry their “Buy 10 pretzels, get one free card” for a year.  Throw away any merchant loyalty cards you don’t visit that often .  Use an APP for places like Starbucks.

5) Face your bills neatly in the same direction.

Having crumpled bills or ones that are folded or upside down will not only slow down your money exchanges, but not caring for your money is actually showing disrespect to its value.  Take out all your bills, flatten them, face them all forward and order them lowest to highest.  (Highest in the back).

6) Show your money respect

Anytime you are given money or offering your own money and you take a moment to keep it neat, orderly + clutter free, you are actually showing yourself that you respect your money. The act alone of facing your bills the same way every time you exchange money, will slow you down for a second.  Use this moment to become more present to your own abundance + allow it to serve as a gratitude reminder for the exchange.

Once you do all of the above, your wallet or purse will feel lighter and most likely you will too, energetically.  You have just created space for more abundance.

Money is energy.  Allowing it to flow in and out of your life from a place of gratitude and ease, will help more money to flow your way.   

Now here’s the second half of the equation.

You must also align your mind in order to invite money into your life.  Here are a few ways to adopt a money mindset.

7) Spend it lovingly + know it is having a positive effect. 

When my son + I stopped at a roadside stand to buy fresh fruit from a local merchant, we were elated to walk away with a box full of freshly picked strawberries, blueberries, blackberries and raspberries.   I pointed out to my 6 year-old, that buying this fruit helps the local farmer stay in business + that the man who we gave our money to might now be able to buy food for his family or a maybe even a toy for his own child.

My son was so excited for the man’s child.  Later that night, he actually asked me, “Mommy, do you think that man bought his son a toy, or gave his son the money for him to put in his piggy bank?”  “What a great question,” I replied, “either way, we gave him a gift today by giving him our money, and he gave us a gift by giving us the fruit.  Everyone wins, right?”  “Yes,”  he said, “everyone wins.”

Now I didn’t exactly grow up with the feeling that spending money allows everyone to win.  But I can choose this habit of thought now and teach it to my son. (I also teach my son that you will always have money if you save more than you spend.)

So spend your money lovingly + know you are creating a positive ripple effect.  Remind yourself when you are tipping the waitress, paying for an acting class or giving your credit card to the dry cleaner, that the flow of money is just energy + see it as a completely positive exchange.  Spending money is not a loss on your part in any way, but a gain for everyone.

8) Shift your money perspective.

At some point, no matter how much money you’ve put in the meter, one day you’re going to get stuck at an audition and end up getting a parking ticket.  Or you may misread a parking sign + end up with a big, fat fine.  (This happens to me mostly in West Hollywood!, and usually when I’m in a hurry!)  Ok, so instead of having it ruin your day + every encounter you have yet to make, decide in that moment to shift your perspective.  I used to get so mad that one extra quarter could have saved me $65, but now, I literally drive away saying to out loud, “You’re welcome West Hollywood, I just bought more flowers for the landscaping on Santa Monica Boulevard.”

It’s no fun to have to spend money on things like parking tickets, but when you see that your money is serving the community you are in, it just might leave you feeling (and driving) a little less angrily.

Money is energy.  Allow it to flow freely to and from you.

9) Give to a cause bigger than you.

Have a goal to give to a cause that is bigger than you.  Sure, we all love buying a new outfit, going to a nice dinner or buying a new phone, but I encourage you to set a goal of giving a percentage of your income to a charity you love, also known as tithing.  When you have an intention to give away some of your money to a good cause, you will find that money flows more easily to you.

One of my proudest moments last year was sending a significant amount of money to Future Faces, a non-profit organization that is dear to my heart.  It was my goal all year long, but the actual act of sending them money in December brought tears of gratitude + joy to my eyes.

A percentage of the proceeds from every single sale on this website goes to help children who are born with facial deformities, who might not otherwise be able to afford medical care or surgery.  An amazing team of UCLA doctors donate all of their services to make sure that every child has the care they need.

Having a cause like this that is way bigger than me, helps me to realize the ripple effect + value that my work is having in the world.  Not only am I helping actors transform their lives + careers, but, we are all helping transform the lives and faces of children who need it most.

When you start asking how you can make the world better, you’ll be amazed at the abundance that begins to flow into your life to assist you.

Here’s to making room for money to flow your way + putting it to good use when it does.

Love + Gratitude,

~ Wendy Braun
P.S. Leave a comment below + let me know what action(s) you are going to take + if there are any rituals to add to the list.

Thanks, too, for sharing the love + insights….

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Every product and program I’ve created is the culmination of 20+ years of real-life experience testing and refining the tools, methods and practices that have helped me to build a successful acting career, as well as enjoy an abundant, balanced + fulfilling life.


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(Without Letting Nerves, Negative Noise or 

Nagging Self-Doubt Sabotage Your Success)