How To Navigate Through Fear, Doubt + Worry With Ease

How To Navigate Through Fear, Doubt + Worry With Ease

I wanted to share a simple process with you, especially if you’re having any worries, doubts, fears, or anxieties.

Oh, you’re a human on planet earth….then that’s probably the case at some point or another, right?
Well, first of all, I want you to know it’s normal and you’re not alone. We all experience these thoughts and feelings at times. I definitely have lately.

In fact, this week I was talking to a well-known actress and member of my Spotlight Club (who also happens to have a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame) and she reminded me that we all have up and down days, herself included.

This is such an important conversation, because so often we think “when I get that booking, that series, that award, that star on the walk of fame,” I’ll never have fear, doubt or worry again.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

What has helped me (and so many of my Success Breakthrough Workshop students all over the world) is “answering the call” of whatever is going on within us at any given moment.

I love creating and using acronyms for processes like this because it makes implementing (and remembering it for next time) much more simple + effective.

In this 90 second video, I’ll show you exactly how to “Answer the C.A.L.L.”….

The word CALL stands for

Love, and more

When your monkey mind is worrying about some future you cannot see or obsessing about some past that you can’t go back and undo, see if you can just be in this present moment and answer the C.A.L.L of flowing Compassion and Acceptance and Love and then more Love your way.

Try it right now.

Place your hand on your heart, breathe deeply, and state outloud…
Whatever it is I’m feeling is okay. 
I am answering the call. 
I am flowing compassion, acceptance, love and more love my way.

Continue to breathe deeply and repeat this process several times and feel yourself allow in the compassion, acceptance and love you can flow to yourself in this now moment….

As you practice acknowledging your thoughts and feelings without judgment or criticism, eventually they reduce their grip on you.

As you use this mindfulness practice to quiet your mind and body and soul, solutions will begin to appear.

It is my hope that this process will help you to observe what’s going on within you from a non-judgmental perspective..

So instead of trying to change it, judge it or shame yourself for feeling bad, you simply “answer the call.”

Try this today, and let me know in the comments, “I am answering the call.”

Then I’ll know that you are flowing compassion, acceptance, love and more love your way.

Make it a ritual, and you’ll be surprised at how much better you feel, simply because you’re honoring all sides of yourself.

Here’s to navigating through whatever arises + unlocking inner peace and answering the call.

Love + Gratitude,


P.S.  If you want more support, here are a few ways I can help…

1) Need help easing anxiety + improving well-being, download my free audio “Easing Anxiety + Improving Well-Being.”  People who use it say they “felt better in 15 minutes, than they had all year.” Download it for free here.

2) If your acting career (and self-taping) has been bringing up thoughts of worry and doubt, join me here for an empowering free training.

3) If you want ongoing support and guidance to help you unlock your full potential + stay motivated daily (with a global community and mentor who speaks your language), get instant access to monthly tools and insider-only events to help you elevate your career + keep your momentum going. Learn more here.

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4 thoughts on “How To Navigate Through Fear, Doubt + Worry With Ease”

  1. Fortitude doesn’t necessarily thunder. In some cases mental fortitude is the little voice by the day’s end that says I’ll attempt once more tomorrow.

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Hey, I’m Wendy!

Every product and program I’ve created is the culmination of 20+ years of real-life experience testing and refining the tools, methods and practices that have helped me to build a successful acting career, as well as enjoy an abundant, balanced + fulfilling life.


It brings me so much joy to know that my work has now deeply touched the lives + careers of thousands of creatives worldwide.


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