Are You Pushing Away Your Own Acting Success? 4 Steps To Turn It Around

Did you watch the Oscars last night?  How did it make you feel about your own acting career?  Did watching it inspire you or depress you?

For the longest time, I couldn’t go to the movies without jumping on when I got home, comparing myself to actors in the film.

Where did this always leave me?   Feeling bad about my own success.

No matter what I had done, who I had worked with or the accolades I received for my work, it seemed there was always someone who was doing more or better and living a bigger and more fabulous life.

Then I finally realized, from my ego’s point of view… will always be that way!

The real question to ask yourself: Am I using another actor’s success to disconnect me from my own worth + value?
If you are condemning yourself for where you are, then you are out of alignment with your own greatness.

YOU are the one who is actually pushing away your own success.

Have you noticed that when you hear about a classmate, friend or acquaintance book a job, you sometimes end up feeling frustrated + defeated, that somehow their success means you are failing?

We’ve all been there. But I am here to tell you….


But. I actually DO think it’s important to allow yourself to feel the feelings that come up.  That is the key to turning it all around.

If you find yourself feeling jealous, frustrated or angry, have your pity party, play your violin, feel depressed + then move on.

Slapping a smiley face sticker over your pain is like not cleaning a wound + then putting a band-aid over the dirt.  It will just make your wound worse + linger longer.

Here are 4 steps to moving through difficult feelings + turning things around.

1) Acknowledge it.
2) Allow it.
3) Fully feel it.
4) Let it go.

Also know that…

” The wound is the place where the Light enters you.”
~ Rumi

When you take time to feel what we often label “negative’ feelings, it can give you the fire + desire to turn things around. Why rob yourself of that powerful launching-off position?

It’s when we STAY in that frame of mind, condemning ourselves for where we are over and over + never letting up, that it becomes toxic + keeps us stuck.

Know that when those around you are booking jobs like crazy, you are actually closer than you may think.

When you can celebrate another actor’s success, you are in alignment with your own.

Don’t push what is coming your way away by being bummed it’s not here yet.

Find a way to take action on the goals you’ve set for yourself.  Follow up with someone you met, collect your work, write a thank you note, congratulate a colleague or a casting director on their Oscar nominated film.  Do something that gets you into action + out of your head.

There’s a lot you can do to get closer to your dreams, but being mad at yourself for where you stand today isn’t one of them.

Here’s to YOU aligning with your inherent greatness + getting one step closer to holding an Oscar.

Love + Gratitude,

~ Wendy Braun

Morning Mindset Meditation

Condemning yourself for where you are will never help you to get to where you want to be.

What if, just for today, I made where I am in my acting career, exactly where I needed to be?

What if I knew in my heart + truly believed I would get to where I want to go?  How would I feel then?

If I feel the need to compare + despair, I give myself a few minutes, an hour or day to do so, + then I move on.

Wallowing in my own self-pity is not going to get me where I want to go + it feels bad, not because someone else seems “rurther along,”  but because my highest self, knows that all is really well.

I take a deep breath in + connect with my highest self that knows that I am right on track.

I exhale + connect with my highest self that knows that I am going to get there in the perfect time + the prefect way.

The more excited I can be for another’s successes, the closer I am to my own.

I remind myself that this is an abundant Universe, and there is enough for all of us.

I remind myself that life is unfolding for me int the perfect order + I trust in it’s divine timing.

I take a moment now to look back at all of the things that worked out for me when I least expected it.

When I slow down my critical thoughts, I make room for new ideas + act on them.

The good always finds me.  I align with my highest self today + know in my heart that I will get to where I want to go.

What would it take this week for me to know that when I choose to celebrate another actor’s success, that I am so much closer to my own?

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4 thoughts on “Are You Pushing Away Your Own Acting Success? 4 Steps To Turn It Around”

  1. Thank you Wendy for this one. This is a big one for me, I constantly compare myself to others and I do start putting myself down. I get stuck though and have a lot of self pity that I wallow in. I am slowly learning how to stop, feel what I feel and move on, because I have to move on.
    This will help me to keep learning, helping myself to move on and learning to treat myself better.

    Thank you 🙂

    1. June! So happy to hear that you are learning to stop, feel what you feel move on. That is awesome! That’s what we ALL have to do keep doing whenever we get down. Awareness is everything then allowing it to be there without judgement then letting go when it feels good. You are on your way! Keep doing what you are doing. Best, ~Wendy

  2. Spotlight Member/Actor Joe Mack said,” I shifted from believing that I needed 3 days to memorize a script, to needing 2 hours.”

    I am stuck in the feeling that I need a lot of time to prepare as well. Can you enlighten me as to how to make that shift to only needing two hours? Is it just confidence and focus?

    1. Hollie,
      Thanks for sharing that you feel stuck in this area. I actually reached out to Joe himself to allow him to answer this one for you in his own words. Here’s his story:
      “I have often said that I am an actor who needs at least a few days with a script in order to be prepared. And since I believed that, it was true. Last week, when I arrived on the set of an industrial film shoot, I was handed 20 pages of additional dialog (which the other actor on the shoot had a week ago). So I did what I usually do, allowed fear to tighten every muscle in my body and rehearsed the tirade that I would launch at my agent after the shoot. After 20 minutes of that, I heard Wendy’s voice in my head say, “I AM ENOUGH.” And I thought, oh yeah…that’s right. I took “a deep breath in” and kept affirming that I AM ENOUGH and IT IS DONE. I took the time to envision walking off the set that evening satisfied with the work that I was going to do. You can imagine my amazement when, two hours later and the cameras started to roll, I opened my mouth and the dialog tumbled out just as it was supposed to. It was three days of practicing breathing and letting go of tension. When I did stumble, I took a deep breath and affirmed that I am enough. So now I will start saying that I am an actor who only needs a few hours with a script. Pretty soon, I will start believing it. I am grateful.
      Today, I choose to believe it. I practice my faith every time I prepare for an audition. I focus on visualizing how I will feel before, during and after the audition and trust that the text will come to me. My old behavior was to tense up and tell myself, “if only I was better at memorizing.” The affirmations/audios from Actor Inspiration help me to trust myself. “
      The audios that Joe has used to help him are
      Creating Powerful Auditions
      I Am Enough
      It Is Done: I Align With My Future Self.
      Here’s to your success!

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Every product and program I’ve created is the culmination of 20+ years of real-life experience testing and refining the tools, methods and practices that have helped me to build a successful acting career, as well as enjoy an abundant, balanced + fulfilling life.


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How To Stand Out In Every Audition, Book More Jobs & Elevate Your Career

(Without Letting Nerves, Negative Noise or 

Nagging Self-Doubt Sabotage Your Success)