The Real Key To Success

Last month I was asked to be the guest of honor and guest speaker at a charity event, back in my hometown of Northbrook, Illinois, a northern suburb of Chicago. (Basically where all the John Hughes movies were filmed.)

They wanted me to talk about how I went from performing in the musicals, plays, variety shows + choirs at Glenbrook South High School to becoming an established actress in Hollywood.

The more I thought about my journey from performing back high school to now having over 75 tv + film credits, I realized that the running theme along the way, was that I simply…kept going.

I kept going in the face of obstacles.
I kept going in the face of uncertainty.
I kept doing the things that scared me the most.

Ultimately, my success has come from mastering the fine art of dealing with failure, rejection + disappointment.

That is the real key to success.

There isn’t one successful person on the planet who hasn’t failed, been rejected or felt disappointment.  It’s whether you allow it to derail you or drive you that will ultimately shape your future.  

I love Nelson Mandela’s brilliant insights.  He says,

“There is no losing. There is only winning + learning.” 

And yet so often, we are afraid of failing or feeling out of place, so we don’t even try.

But when you can embrace failing, rejection +  feeling disappointment as part of the journey towards success, you then can find the gift in each experience, build inner strength, and to ultimately discover who you really are.

So, remind yourself this week, no matter how many setbacks show up, no matter how many rejections you may face, that you are on the right path.

Find a way to learn something, dust yourself off and keep going.

Do that over and over again + I know you will meet success.

Leave a comment below + let me know how you handle rejection + disappointment.

Love + Gratitude,
– Wendy

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7 thoughts on “The Real Key To Success”

  1. So true, so true! I love that Nelson Mendela quote! – I remind myself to accepting the thoughts and feelings, allowing them to speak like a small child – then realizing I am the grown up now in this relationship and I know better. Usually, if I can take myself out of the situation, and look at it from an unattached place – as if it’s someone else’s story, I can see much faster that it most likely has nothing to do with ME and it’s not rejection, or if It was literally my mistake and I failed at something, then it was meant to teach me. Either way it’s a win! And the faster I get to “it’s a win”, the faster I keep moving forward in my goals. If I need extra help snapping out of it, I go for a walk, do yoga, meditiate with one of your Mp3s, or even endulge myself to a night of binging a show to turn off the brain with the understanding it’s back to work when I am done.

    1. Nicole,
      Such great insights! YES! Love that you find the “win” in it all. Love that my audios help you too. Woohoo. And cheers to turning turning the brain off the tv on when you need to! 😉
      – Wendy

  2. I love your Monday messages!
    Dealing with disappointment and rejection … My uncle George used to tell me: “The worst initiative (or ‘shot’) is the one not taken. You already have the ‘no’, so you know that … then accept it! Now go see if you can get a ‘yes’.” Being an audition or asking a girl to dance … roll with it! If it’s a “yes’, enjoy the dance! If it’s a ‘no’ … go ask another girl. Among my music favorites I have Sinatra’s “That’s Life”. I listen to it AT LEAST once a day, particularly on my long way up to LA for an audition. “… every time I find myself, laying down flat on my face, I pick myself up and get back in the race!” Listen to it, and think to yourself that is always June for you.
    On “intimidation”? My grandpa Nestor: “This person so intimidating now standing in front of you … has to go to the bathroom and do business there every day, just like you and me. Now picture this person doing just that. Picture EVERYTHING … Suddenly that person is not so intimidating anymore, isn’t it?”

    1. Ric,
      Thanks so much. Glad you enjoy my newsletter. Love your awesome relatives their great advice. I grew up listening to Sinatra with my dad, so cheers to “That’s Life” and so many other greats. Thanks for sharing.
      – Wendy

  3. Great advice, Wendy! I grew up in Glenview, too! Over near Wagner farm 🙂 Now in Manhattan Beach, but I miss the days in the Chicago burbs! 🙂

    1. Kate!
      Love that you grew up in Glenview! How cool. Chicago to Manhattan Beach – what a change in the weather. 😉
      – Wendy

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Every product and program I’ve created is the culmination of 20+ years of real-life experience testing and refining the tools, methods and practices that have helped me to build a successful acting career, as well as enjoy an abundant, balanced + fulfilling life.


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How To Stand Out In Every Audition, Book More Jobs & Elevate Your Career

(Without Letting Nerves, Negative Noise or 

Nagging Self-Doubt Sabotage Your Success)