Whether you are feeling frustrated with your acting career, or the current political climate (or both), keep in mind, that often, the deepest upsets + challenges arrive just before a HUGE transformation.
One of the most helpful ways to move through all the uncertainty, is by realigning with love.
And the most simple + practical, yet highly underused method to reconnect, is right within your own body…the breath.
We often run through life unaware of the capacity that breathing deeply has to alter our state of mind, our health + our joy-factor.
In under 5 minutes, it can turn your awareness from worry, doubt and anxiety to a state of love, surrender + trust.
And guess what? In doing so, you will be contributing to peace in the world.
It has been scientifically proven that deep breathing reduces anxiety + stress, increases oxygen to your brain and stimulates the part of your nervous system that invokes a state of calm.
Even though you are breathing 24 hours a day, when you practice breathing deeply with intention and connect purposefully to your magnificent body, you turn your awareness away from the worrying mind and energetically shift who you are being.
There is nothing that connects you more quickly to creativity, to universal intelligence, to your highest self (or whatever you’d like to call that spirit within) than connecting to your breath.
Your breath is life.
As you breathe, without needing to make anything happen, you are energetically connecting to the part of you that knows that all is truly well, and that where there is darkness, light eventually shines through.
My latest guided meditation, Breathe Deeply…
(1 of 3 free gifts with your 30-day free trial to my Spotlight Club)
will help you let go of efforting or trying, but instead help you to relax and allow, reconnecting you to your higher self.
Whether you use my audio to help you or not, begin to use this practice anytime throughout your day to help you activate the body’s natural relaxation mechanism – as you reconnect to who you really are + simply breathe deeply.
I’d love to hear how you’re going to contribute to peace in the world today.
Leave a comment below + let me know.
Love + Gratitude,
– Wendy Braun