You’ve Already Won! (And Other Life Lessons From My Emmy® FYC Journey)

It’s an exciting day! The 2019 Emmy® nomination-round voting begins today + it is a dream come true to be on the ballot and be considered for a nomination.

Television Academy Members can view + vote here. 
View my work (or share the love) here.

It’s been an amazing journey (and an emotional roller coaster ride, really) since the beginning of the year.

Today, I thought I’d walk back through the ups and downs of the last six months, and share the lessons I’ve learned along the way with you.

The most recent one came (as it often does), through my 7-year-old son.

When I was about to leave the house last week, all dressed up to go to a “For Your Emmy® Consideration” event + screening, featuring my work on Atypical (Netflix), he took one look at me from head to toe and said, “You’ve already won, Mommy.”

The smile on his face. The sound of his voice. The love in his heart. The wise words that he shared. All of it, hit me right in the heart.

It stopped me in my tracks, because he was right, on so many levels.

Here’s a quick glimpse back at some ups and downs of the last 6 months (and why you can begin today feeling that you’ve already won, too).

I kicked off 2019 on a live city tour throughout LA, NYC and Atlanta, where I had the privilege of meeting many amazing actors, as well as alumni of my Success Breakthrough Workshop signature course.

I was blown away by the stories my alumni were sharing with me (of recent career wins and newfound fulfillment in their personal lives), as I also welcomed courageous new students from all over the world to this once a year program. My heart was full. Get on the VIP List here to be the first to know when early-bird enrollment begins.

In February, I felt my own personal slump as my students were soaring + having amazing breakthroughs (as they often do rather quickly), and I was wondering, “where’s mine?”

I was a bit down after recurring for two seasons on Atypical, but not knowing if I would return for Season 3. (Turns out production had just started later this year).

In addition, our whole family was still deeply grieving the loss of my beautiful mother-in-law and our treasured family dog. Tears were flowing. Daily.

In March, I returned to my recurring role for the 3rd season on Atypical and was greeted with open arms.

I thought about how much time I wasted the month prior wondering how things would turn out.

My son won an award at school for “Perseverance + Grit,” and we talked on the Atypical set about how there should be an award like that in Hollywood. (You would have my vote!)

In April, I auditioned for a role on a series with executive producers that I had worked with before, and thought I was a shoe-in for the role.

After weeks of hearing nothing and of course, feeling a bit bummed out, I finally let it go.

A month later, they offered me a part, in a totally different episode. (Again, we must stop the mental gymnastics we go through when we don’t book the job).

In May, my work on Atypical was up on the Television Academy FYC viewing platform and I cried at the sight of it. (Happy tears, of course)

Wendy Braun – “For Your Emmy® Consideration”
Outstanding Guest Actress In A Comedy Series

I booked a voice-over job and walked into the session where the fabulous Ted Danson greeted me by name. (A very Cheers moment, indeed).

At the same time, I had some great theatrical auditions, but didn’t book anything. (This time, I did less mental gymnastics).

Instead I focused on attending FYC (For Your Consideration) events, screenings + panels and enjoying the amazing Emmy® FYC nominating season.

I ran into friends, colleagues + many awesome actors in this beautiful #ActorInspiration tribe.  Many mentioned they were a fan of my work on Atypical, and others share how I had helped them, whether it was through my weekly emails, my online course, or an audio they just listened to that morning. Grab your free audio here.

I was reminded how much it all fuels my soul.

I was also reminded of the passion, love + sheer determination that is a the heart of most every creative in this business.

Hearing their stories, understanding what they went through to get their project made, and then seeing their vision come to life has been inspiring and enlightening on so many levels.

And then there was the emotional day (after months of visiting dog shelters and walking away teary-eyed for all the ones we couldn’t save) when we adopted a rescue dog, who was thankfully pulled from a high-kill shelter, and introduced her to our family and her new forever home.

So, it’s been a wild ride of highs and lows, that culminated in that one moment that took my breath away in June.

When my sweet son, gasped at the sight of me, just as I was heading to an event and declared…”You’ve already won, Mommy.”

I’ve been thinking a lot this past week about all of the ways in which he’s right.

I’ve already won because…

I’m in the game.
I’m living my dreams.
I’m helping other actors live theirs.
I’m connecting soul-to-soul with people all over the world (including you!).
I’m changing people’s lives and careers for the better.
I’m on a show that promotes inclusion and acceptance.
I’m finally owning the long and winding path I’ve taken to get to this moment.

The path less traveled.
The path which also made sure that somewhere along the way…

I got to be a mother.
I got to be a wife.
I got to be a dreamer.
I got to be a visionary.
I got to be an uplifter.
I got to make people laugh.
I got to make people cry.
I got to tell stories.
I got to be part of an industry that creates change.
I got to do what I’ve loved since I was the Scarecrow in The Wiz in 7th grade, and do it with the best people in the business.
I got to be of service to the most courageous people on the planet, the artists who are brave enough to follow their dreams. (That’s you!)

So, yes, I do feel that no matter what happens this Emmy season, I have, indeed, already won.

(And if you asked me in my 20’s, if this is how it was going to go, I would have had a very different idea about how it should all unfold. My timeline looked nothing like this.)

But the real lesson, through it all, is that life has a wonderful way of working out (even when it doesn’t feel like it) so you can evolve into all you are meant to become on this journey.

Take that in today. Acknowledge your growth, your resilience, your determination, your path and be proud of who you’ve become along the way.

Look around your life, right now, in this moment + decide, in your heart, that…

You’ve already won.

Let me know in the comments below, 3 reasons you’ve already won.. (Its as simple as listing 3 things you are grateful for today).

If you’re a Television Academy Member, click here to view + vote. 
If you want to help spread the Emmy love, click here. 

Here’s to a week of finding evidence in your own life of how you’ve already won.

Love + Gratitude,
– Wendy

P.S. If you’re wondering how I got myself in a good headspace throughout the ups + downs of 2019, and how I kept going without letting fear stop me?

One of my favorite ways has been through the guided meditations I create each month for my Spotlight Club + Community.

Here’s a quick look back at the ones I’ve recorded so far this year (It’s no coincidence that they mirror the journey I’ve been on in the first half of 2019).

January: My Expansive Year
February: I Am On The Perfect Path (Exactly As I Am Right Now)
March: Attracting Abundance (In Finances + Career)
April: I Am Stepping In to The Spotlight
May: Elevating To New Heights (Manifesting My Dreams)
June: Inviting In Radical Transformation (Letting Go Of What’s Holding You Back)

Want monthly mindset gifts, personal mentoring from me + a supportive community of like-minded creatives around the world? Click here for details.

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5 thoughts on “You’ve Already Won! (And Other Life Lessons From My Emmy® FYC Journey)”

  1. I’ve already WON!
    Yes indeed.
    1.I’ve won because although I have tunnel vision the tunnel is no longer dark, I can see the light.

    2.I’ve won because each time I go on set, stage or online, classes, seminars… I’m networking, learning and contributing.

    3.I’ve won because at the end of the day I’m the only me there is, once I capture my light the world will be my oyster.

    1. I’ve already won because:
      1. I have an amazing family, wife, son, 2 dogs and a baby in the belly
      2. I have an awesome home
      3. I’ve been on 15 prime time TV shows and that’s more than most get to work in this business.

  2. 1) I woke up and found myself alive, again!
    2) I’ve been selected to self-tape for a challenging role.
    3) My family supports what I do.

    Thank you for sharing yours Wendy and others. You’re all inspiring.

  3. I love this, Wendy! Your son is a wise one!

    I’ve already won because:
    1) I am bravely pursuing my dreams and growing every day.
    2) I am married to the love of my life and working on our relationship every day.
    3) I am surrounded by inspiring, uplifting, and supportive friends and family who love me better than I even knew was possible.

    Thank you for all you do and for making my heart so happy with this email!

  4. Such a great blog Wendy, thank you! You are amazing & have my respect & admiration.

    3 reasons I’ve already won:

    1. In 2010 I said to myself, “I’m going to be a bi-coastal actor who has done Broadway, in films, on television and directs, and has worked steadily on both coasts, and I have. (Not without tremendous sacrifice but I have!)

    2. Going forward, I will only be in a committed relationship w a man who truly honors, respects and cherishes me and I will remain on my own until I meet that person. (Hard win, but a win nonetheless, because all humans require love, physical touch & support to be their best. Particularly in a culture that pendulums betw envy and pity of single people, particularly women, to stay strong through that pressure cooker deserves a medal!!)

    3. I will finish writing my screenplay and start pre-production this summer. (Happening! Win)

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