How To Book More Acting Work With One Simple Mindset Shift

When you’re auditioning and not booking, it’s easy to start doubting your worth, your choices and even your talent.

A few weeks ago, I went on three theatrical auditions, nailed all of them and didn’t book a single one. And yes, I was feeling pretty bummed….for days.

Then last Friday, the same casting director called me for a great role on a new comedy with a director I had worked with last yearĀ on “It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia.” I went in, felt great about my audition, and then…heard nothing.

Mother’s Day rolled around and I spent it with my family, adding to our growingĀ garden with my two, sweet boys. Ā I started listening to my latest guided meditation Manifesting Miracles and something shifted within me.

I started to just appreciate the life I was already living and began to give thanks for what was right in front of me.-17

By Monday, I still heard nothing about the audition and stopped checking my phone incessantly “just in case my agent called.” Ā I let it all go.

By Monday evening, as I was enjoying putting my kids to bed, I ended up having several messages and emails from my agents and manager that I booked the role.

Looking back, I wish I hadn’t wasted so much time and energy thinking about why I didn’t get any of those other roles, what I could have done differently or why things just weren’t working out for me. (Yes, I go down that dark rabbit hole sometimes,Ā too!)

So here’s the simple mindset shift I noticed: I started feeling better before the booking showed up. Ā I started finding joy in what was right in front of me, instead of needing a job to bring it toĀ me. Ā Could I have felt bad and still booked the job? Ā I suppose so.

But not needing a job to make you feel better surely opens the doors for more jobs to come.

Why? Ā When you are feeling gratitude and appreciation for your life, you actually match the energy of the feeling you’ll have when you do book the job!

The feeling always precedes the manifestation.

Then later that same week, an animated TV series offer came in (after tons of animation auditions with no bookings),Ā a request to voice moreĀ Old NavyĀ spots,Ā and a director I know called and offered me the lead in her comedy short.

What did I do differently to book 4 jobs in one week?

  • I just starting to give thanks for my miraculous life. (exactly as it is right now).
  • I started to praise + appreciate exactly where I was in eachĀ moment with my kids.
  • I began to marvel at the life I’ve created and who I’ve become along the way.
  • I noticedĀ new life in our gardenĀ and how they each blossom and grow at different times.
  • I took time to marvel at the hummingbirds that showed up at our bird-feeder.
  • I startedĀ listeningĀ toĀ Manifesting Miracles and taking my own advice.
  • I realized that miracles were already all around me.

“There are two ways to live your life
one is as though nothing is a miracle,

the other is as though everything is a miracle.”
– Albert Einstein.

Here’s a sample of some miracles growing in our garden. Ā Yellow tomatoes, peas + baby watermelon, oh my!
Wendy Braun's garden
And then, not only did I have an amazing time shooting the tv show,Ā deepening my relationship with this wonderful director and fun cast, I also wrapped, on our lastĀ day,Ā just in time to make it to my first grader’s ice cream social at school that evening. Miraculous indeed.

So, my advice for you this week, no matter what you’ve auditioned for lately and haven’t booked, is to focus upon theĀ miracles already in your life. Ā Even as you drive or walk around town, notice the miracles that surround you.

Not only are they all around you, they are also the key to manifesting more miracles.

Here’s to your appreciating your miraculous life, exactly as it is right now.

Love + Gratitude,
– Wendy

P.S.Ā Feel free to share the love or leave a comment below. Ā What miracles are you noticing in your life today?

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6 thoughts on “How To Book More Acting Work With One Simple Mindset Shift”

  1. Beautiful and what a great reminder in the power of gratitude.
    i often need to be reminded this simple principle.
    Thank you and congrats on your bookings Wendy!!!

    1. Thanks Anzu!
      This entire site is based on the idea that we all need a reminder of the simple principles that make up a happy life! So glad this one resonated with you!

  2. Wow, my wife and I just watched TD Jakes last night and part of his message was Praising God during the journey as a key to arriving at the destination. The timing of his message and yours is fascinating. Thanks.

    1. Allen,

      Well isn’t that divine timing! Seems like a wonderful way to not only get to your destination, but enjoy the ride along the way.

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Hey, Iā€™m Wendy!

Every product and program Iā€™ve created is the culmination of 20+ years of real-life experience testing and refining the tools, methods and practices that have helped me to build a successful acting career, as well as enjoy an abundant, balanced + fulfilling life.


It brings me so much joy to know that my work has now deeply touched the lives + careers of thousands of creatives worldwide.


Many have felt these transformative tools + practical teachings were the missing piece of the puzzle.


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How To Stand Out In Every Audition,Ā Book More Jobs & Elevate Your Career

(Without Letting Nerves, Negative Noise or ā€Ø

Nagging Self-Doubt Sabotage Your Success)