9 Steps To Turn Your Dream Into A Reality

A year ago, I visualized having a beautiful, newly redesigned website + online store for all of the guided meditations + visualizations I create for actors.  If you are reading this, then you are witnessing my dream turned into a reality.

I know from experience over the years that:


So, I visualized this site being a go-to-guide to help you align your mind. book more jobs + love your life.

I knew I wanted it to be beautiful, functional, mobile friendly + give tons of value to actors.

I am proud to say, that what I have visualized in my mind, is now a reality!

Here’s how I did it, and how you can apply these steps right now to your dream.

9 Steps To Turn Your Dream Into A Reality

  1. Visualize The Outcome
    Have a clear picture of how you want FEEL after your goal is achieved, then visualize + feel those feelings daily. (This will energize you in ways you can’t imagine!)
  2. Decide + Believe 
    Make a decision that you will succeed.  (Once I decided + believed I could create this dream, amazing synchronicities began to appear along the way.)
  3. Have A Burning Desire
    Know WHY you are pursuing your dream.  (Having a huge “WHY” helped me keep going when I felt frustrated, overwhelmed or stuck.)
  4. Collaborate
    Build a team of many amazing people, with the goal being to learn from them all. Be open to suggestions, but let your intuition guide you.  (I asked for exactly what I wanted + got it because I was very specific, decisive + willing to speak up for my vision.)
  5. Take Consistent Inspired Action
    Know that success consists of a million baby steps along the way.  Know when to take a break + it will often inspire you back into action instead of making yourself work 24/7.  Know that most “overnight successes” are over 10 years in the making.  (I began writing articles to inspire actors in 2007!  I began acting professionally in 1995!)
  6. Make It A Priority
    Put in the time + turn off the TV (unless you are doing research).  Align most all of your actions with your goal.  (I worked on this site between acting gigs, while my kids napped + late at night.)
  7. Know Obstacles Will Appear
    Learn + grow from every obstacle that appears.  (Simply slowing down + going back to my original vision of how it was going to feel when I was finished + why I was doing this helped a lot!)
  8. Make it Fun
    Realize you have a choice.  You can make the journey to your dreams fun or miserable, it’s really all up to you + your mindset.  (I chose to make it fun…most of the time!)
  9. Stay inspired
    Find tools + people to help you realign your mind along the way + support your vision.  (I was inspired to created new guided meditations throughout this process, just to help me to further step into my own light.)

“Visualize this thing that you want, see it, feel it, believe in it. 
Make your mental blue print + begin to build”
~ Robert Collier

Love + Gratitude,

– Wendy Braun

Morning Mindset Meditation

What I can visualize in my mind, I can invite into my life.
I take a deep breath in + I align my mind first with what I want.  I see a vivid picture of how I will feel when it is complete. 
I exhale + let go of figuring out how it will all unfold.
I trust in the future I cannot see.
The more I can visualize + feel the emotion of what I want having already being done, the easier I will move towards my goal. 
When I live in a space of feeling happy + grateful now that what I want has happened, ideas, resources, people + coincidences begin to show up  for me.
The more I align my mind with the finished goal, the more inspired action I begin to take.
Taking action is easy for me, when I align my mind first.
When I make the time each day to visualize what I want, I begin to invite it into my life.
I’d LOVE to hear from you!  Leave a comment below + let me know what YOU are going to visualize + invite in to your life this month!

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Hey, I’m Wendy!

Every product and program I’ve created is the culmination of 20+ years of real-life experience testing and refining the tools, methods and practices that have helped me to build a successful acting career, as well as enjoy an abundant, balanced + fulfilling life.


It brings me so much joy to know that my work has now deeply touched the lives + careers of thousands of creatives worldwide.


Many have felt these transformative tools + practical teachings were the missing piece of the puzzle.


Curious to know more?



How To Stand Out In Every Audition, Book More Jobs & Elevate Your Career

(Without Letting Nerves, Negative Noise or 

Nagging Self-Doubt Sabotage Your Success)