5 Morning Success Habits (You Can Do In Under An Hour)

Wendy Braun with her 5 Morning Success Habits

No matter what is going on in the outside world, there are certain morning success habits you can cultivate that will help you feel good, stay inspired and be productive (even during uncertain times).

We all have the same 24 hours in a day, but since your morning habits effect your whole day, see if you can implement a new one this week.

Try it for 21 days + see how you feel.

These are my top 5, and are all designed to help you begin your day in a proactive, positive + productive way.

1. Make Your Bed. (5 minutes)

Making your bed sets the tone for your entire day. When you take a few minutes + make your bed, you are beginning the day already accomplishing something and you are also taking a mindful moment to train your brain that the little things matter + your living space is important.

Sure, it’s easy to say, “It’s just going to get unmade later,” but that’s kind of like saying, “Why wash the dishes, if they’re just going to get dirty again?”

I’ve taught my children (my youngest one still has his moments of “it’s just going to get unmade later). to take pride in their rooms and that making their bed is part of taking care of their things, starting the day off right + feeling good about what they did – themselves.

When we start the day with our bed made, we can use this mindset towards completing other tasks where the same dilemma arises, and we tell ourselves, this would be “easy to do or easy to blow off.”

As Nike says, just do it.

2. Drink Something Healthy (10 minutes)

We’ve had a juicer for years that has been gathering dust, but once I started reading all about @CeleryJuiceBenefits from the Medical Medium, and saw all the ways people healed all kinds of things on his Instagram Stories, I was intrigued.

So I dusted off the juicer + now I make 16oz of celery juice a daily habit. (it’s been 45 days so far!).

Whether you do celery juice or some lemon with water, make your morning beverage (before your coffee) something that will flush toxins from your system + hydrate you.

You’ll be amazed at how easily this will become a habit that effects the rest of your day (and the well-being of your body + mind).

3. Write In A Journal (10 minutes)

Instead of checking social media, email or looking at the news feed, check in with yourself first.

This has become a habit that has helped me so much lately.

Instead of checking “out” by diving deep into my phone, I like to begin each by checking “inward” first.

I sit in my backyard, and make a rapid fire list of all the things I am grateful for and what I love in my life right now.

This helps tune my attention to even the smallest thing to appreciate, like the gorgeous succulents that surround me, or the sound of the birds chirping, or simply the joy of living in California.

And this helps me to appreciate things I may take for granted in any given moment, like my health or my home or all I’ve created so far in my life.

I then write for a few minutes from my “Highest (or Future) Self’s” point of view.

I simply state, “I am so happy + grateful now that…” and I write a list of all kinds of things I’d like to have happen in the coming week, month or year, from a place that it is already done.

It’s fun to imagine what it will feel like once it happens, which always aligns me with why I’m doing something + keeps me moving forward.

I now know that when I want something, a part of me has already lined up with that desire, so writing from this place helps me tune into what it would feel like to already have experienced what it is I want.

These are simple yet effective ways to train your brain to focus on what is already working in your life and gain clues about where you want to go.

4. Listen To A Guided Meditation (15 minutes)

I listen to a guided meditation that helps me to visualize what I want to create, tune into radical acceptance, or take myself on a journey towards letting go.  Here’s one that will take all the guesswork out of “meditating” and it’s under 15 minutes.  In fact, one woman said “I felt better after listening to this audio, than I have all year.”  It’s called “Easing Anxiety + Improving Well-Being” and you can download it for free here.

And if you want a new audio from me ever single month (as well as new success mindset + mentoring tools to help you create real progress month after month) check out The Spotlight Club here.

5. Move Your Body (20 minutes)

I love a good workout, which I realize may take you longer than 20 minutes, but even walking my dog, out in nature, before everyone gets up, is one of my favorite parts of my morning routine.

Getting out in nature while moving your body is so beneficial on so many levels.

Your attention to your surroundings is an act of mindfulness, and getting your body moving is an act of self-love.

Another thing that helps me commit to my workout, is eliminating the word “try” from my vocabulary. I set my clothes out the night before + say out loud, “I commit to working out tomorrow,” I plan my bed-time, I set my alarm, and I train my brain to look forward to achieving the goal I set for myself.

I hope these 5 daily morning habits inspire you to realize the power you have to create your day.

What Is Your Go-To Morning Routine?

Let me know in the comments below, which habit do you love doing and which one are you adding to your routine?

Here’s to taking your power back and starting your day off focused on what you can control, while letting the rest go.

Love and Gratitude,


P.S. Ready to kickstart your mornings with even more success? 🌟 If you’re looking to take your creative career to the next level, start by getting the right guidance. Join my FREE training and discover the tools to transform your mindset and your career! 👉 Start here

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10 thoughts on “5 Morning Success Habits (You Can Do In Under An Hour)”

  1. This is a great list! However not possible to do everything listed in an hour. More like 1.5 – 2 hours. Which still isn’t bad to give yourself every morning if you can consistently carve out the time. Mèsi anpil for sharing Wendy!

    1. Marie! This is a loose timeline, and yes, you can extend it or shorten it, depending on your day. Way to make it work for you!

  2. Wendy
    Living these great and inspiring “5 things to do in the morning”
    1. Before getting out of bed I listen to one of your meditations.
    This morning it was “My Breakthrough Year”
    2. I wake up and, if Maria doesn’t beat me to making our bed, I get it done asap! So important
    I’m downstairs putting on my espresso as I drink 16 ounces of cold water (German scientists prove it will act in your body as if you have hugged 1 mile) . Pray.
    3. Exercise but sometimes I go in the afternoon.
    4. Write 10 goals each day but must journal more
    5. Before bed I write in my Grateful journal what I am grateful for in the day!

    GOD bless you
    I will adopt more journaling!!!

    1. LOVE IT! So glad you listen to my meditations as a way to start your day! Love your list and being flexible is also key – so way to make things work for you, Freddie!

  3. Hey Wendy! You are always so generous with your nuggets of wisdom! LOVE your morning routine! Mine is very close to this! I make my bed, brush my teeth, have 16 oz of LEMON room temp water, will GET BACK TO celery juicing (I also love Anthony William the Medical Medium) and with my lemon water I also take CELERY FORCE supplement and I mediate.
    What I will adapt, starting first thing tomorrow as I’m traveling and my morning is already done today, is, set out my workout clothes the night before and affirm that I look forward to and excited about working out in the morning, journaling, getting back to juicing. May you have a love-filled and peaceful day today and everyday! In solidarity, Carrie <3

    1. Woohoo! You are so welcome and so glad it helped you realize all the things you already do. I go in and out on the juicing front, so give yourself some grace there too! 🙂

  4. Thanks for that reminder I seemed to have missed step 3 for a while now. Journal instead of doom scrolling. Apart from that my mornings are fantastic helped by what I have learnt from you all those years ago (3) now. It has been a bumpy ride but I am back from the doldrums of my life. Things are looking great and largely due to my morning routines which I have added a few things to . So thank you Wendy I hope you and your family are well and the strikes end soon. They’re affecting us here too. But I have just joined up on an indie film and have a few other things that may pan out. Lots of Love

    1. Iain! So glad this was a helpful reminder and that my teachings and your morning routines have helped you so much! Congrats on your latest successes + love having you in this community!

  5. Awesome post! May be a weird question, but what juicer do you use for your morning celery juice? I feel overwhelmed by the tons of juicer reviews out there.

    1. Thanks Kerry! I get it. There are ALOT of choices out there. We have a “Breville Juice Fountain Elite” Juicer. Just pick one that you’d keep on your counter and like to look (and USE) daily, because I have found if you put it “away,” you may never get it out again. Make it easy for yourself. Good luck!

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