Facing Fears + Finding Happiness: Lauren’s #SuccessBreakthrough Story

With less than 7 weeks left to go in 2019, I’ve been reflecting a lot on this past year.  My intention for 2019 has been expansion.

But ultimately to expand more, I had to do a lot more of the stuff that scared me.  Did fear + doubt show up?  Absolutely.

But instead of retreating + turning back, I found ways to simply keep going + push through it.

I realize, looking back, I just got more comfortable with being uncomfortable.  That’s how I knew I was expanding.

I love teaching actors all I have learned, and this weekend I had an amazing time doing just that in my free live masterclass in LA, where I encouraged actors to reframe how they look at fear.

Instead of running from what scares you, try looking at it from this perspective, “If it scares me, it’s calling me.”  Powerful, right?

Here’s a peek inside the LA Masterclass (and all the love flowing in the room). And then the sweet feedback I received shortly afterwards. It’s been so rewarding to help others along the way.

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So this time last year, I decided to lean into what scared me, which was taking my live masterclass to other cities outside of Los Angeles.  It’s something I had never done before, so it was exciting, but definitely brought up some fears.

After being invited to New York + Atlanta, I knew I had to go, to not only meet my students, who were having all kinds of breakthroughs after doing my Success Breakthrough Workshop online course, but to also connect with actors in real time, face-to-face and share my teachings + my story live.

Like so many actors who come to my free masterclass, Atlanta-based actress, Lauren Buglioli was “struggling with a lot of self-imposed doubt and fear” too.

Today I want to share her inspiring story.

I think these stories are so important, because so often we just see the shiny outcome or the #BookedIt graphic + rarely hear about the struggle.

And yet, every actor goes through them.  Most do it silently.  Many don’t know where to turn.  Some end up quitting the business.

But the ones that work through their struggles + create real breakthroughs are truly the most inspiring stories and my favorite to share.

So this is Lauren Buglioli’s #SuccessBreakthrough Story… Facing Fears + Finding Happiness

Ok, so the bright shiny part is that Lauren is now recurring on Tyler Perry’s The Oval.

But we’re also going to learn about her new inner game approach, which has gifted her with not only more bookings, but more happiness, freedom + peace.

Lauren knew she needed to do something different to change her results + her state of mind.

So what was the first thing that Lauren did to shift her life + career?

She decided + committed to showing up to my free live masterclass in Atlanta.

I’m coming back in early January (and we’ve added new cities too).

Dates are set + these events will fill up fast, so grab your comp ticket now.

Last chance to see me in Los Angeles – Grab your comp ticket now 
Only a few seats left in Vancouver – Grab your comp ticket now 
Reserve your seat in Atlanta – Grab your comp ticket now 
Reserve your seat in New York – Grab your comp ticket now   
Reserve your seat in Toronto – Grab your comp ticket now  
See other cities here:- Get on the VIP list here 

So let’s dive in. Lauren, congrats on all the awesome work. I’d like to begin when we first met. What had you been struggling with in your life or career when you first attended my free live masterclass?

I was struggling with a lot of self-imposed doubt and fear. I was unconsciously looking for outside proof that I was “enough” and kept finding evidence of how well I thought everyone else was doing (as if social media or Facebook posts paint the whole picture of someone else’s life…)

I’m still working on all this daily. Inner work is now part of my daily routine.

That can be so debilitating for actors. So you knew you needed to dive deeper. What made you take the leap and join me in The Success Breakthrough Workshop?

I was caught up in comparing myself to others and focusing on external validation, rather than committing to the internal work to address the underlying issues of self worth.

Isn’t is amazing that no matter how many jobs actors book, we can still somehow feel like we’re not enough? That inner work is so vital to our emotional well-being + that’s why I love guiding actors through it.

Tell me about the victories that have come as a result of diving deep in that way.

I’m loving the lifestyle and process of being an actor, rather than chasing a desired outcome that I think will make me feel a certain way.

That is really everything, isn’t it? Such a freeing way to live, right?

Yes! This work gives me the confidence and pride I was looking for in bookings.

I love when actors discover they can give themselves the validation that they were looking for a job to give them. That is truly where rock-solid confidence comes from. Knowing that you are enough no matter what is going on in your career.

Completely. Fun fact: I’m human and there are moments when I slip up and compare myself to someone else or get in my head about a project.

So I turn one of your guided meditations or some Lizzo on, and then take an action that will actually serve me.

I’m practicing enjoying the process, celebrating every win and enjoying my day to day life.

It is such a daily practice, isn’t it? I love that you either turn on me or Lizzo! I love being on your short list.

How have the course tools + teachings helped you along the way?

They’ve helped in so many ways. Asking myself if I’m making a decision out of love or fear has become a great barometer to help me make decisions.

If I’m making a decision from a place of lack, I know that’s not a decision that’s going to help or address what’s going on underneath an insecurity that pops up.

Seeing this as part of our experience as artists and something I can continue to keep tabs on has been helpful to keep me from beating myself up.

That is so powerful. To be aware of that, and then choose differently is everything.

What has been the biggest change in your life or career since doing the course.

I’m happier. I don’t think any job is going to fix my life.

I’m not living job to job… I’m on hiatus and training for my next role.

Oooooo, honey! That feeling and energy is invaluable.

YES! Isn’t it though? I do wish I lived like this in my 20’s and 30’s, but so glad to share this all with actors now.

How would you say the course helped you?

I’d say, The Success Breakthrough Workshop helped me to let go of the need to book as a means of validation.

It also encouraged me surround myself with people who remind me I don’t “need” to book the job.

I can work my booty off, and yet remain unattached, and have faith that everything is unfolding exactly as it should.

That’s a happier place to live and allows me to cheer on others as their dreams come true rather than use their wins as evidence that I’m not doing enough.

And there’s that sense of freedom again, when you don’t attach how it is going for others to what it means about you. Amazing. It also leads to more bookings, oddly enough.

What advice would you give to other actors?

Our self respect and happiness means more than any credit.

We can forget that. If we’re living credit to credit, we miss out on our life.

When we were kids we didn’t dream of booking “X amount” of roles.

We wanted to be actors.


You’re an actor. When you’re in class. When you’re working your side job. When you’re auditioning. When you’re resting. You’re an actor. You did it.

It has to be enough today. That helps me take action from a place of inspiration and strength rather than insecurity. It’s a muscle that gets stronger with practice.

That is so helpful for people to hear and you are so right. Then you are living a full life and not spending most of it bummed you’re not on a set somewhere. Bravo!

What are 3 words to describe you: Loving, empathetic, sassy 
Yes! Your Instagram stories imbue each one of those. Love it.

Where can we see you next:

As Nurse Linda on Tyler Perry’s The Oval,

I play Camille in the psychological thriller “Safe in My Heart.”

And I’m the voice of Cracker Barrel.

You can also find me likely wandering the aisles of Target.unnamed-13

Me too! I find that 9am on a weekend is like a mini-vacation (especially when you’re a mom). The quiet. The order. All of it.

Tell us which audios are on your Favorites Playlist?

Practicing the Art of Trust and Detachment (because we can all stand to be reminded of our value on the regular— PREACH!)



Any parting words or a favorite quote?

“Those who are certain of the outcome can afford to wait and wait without anxiety.” -A Course In Miracles c/o Gabby Bernstein

Love that one! Yes indeed. So tell me, after the course ended, you decided to continue getting monthly mindset + manifestation tools from me by joining my Spotlight Club. What made you decide to continue on in that way?

I knew I wanted to have the support + tools to continue building upon the work I did in The Success Breakthrough Workshop.

What do you love about the Spotlight Club?

Having the community and resources available to continue to reinforce the patterns of thinking I adopted in the course.

Yes! It’s easy to get off track, and lose momentum, so I love that you set yourself up in that way.
And I love providing monthly tools + having the community of those, like you, dedicated to ongoing growth.

How has Spotlight Club helped you after completing the course?


There’s an emphasis on self-care that I need.

I love having tools to help me continue to grow and evolve as a person.

It’s helped me to slow down and take care of myself so I can show up more fully in relationships and do my best work as an actor.

Please note that’s still a work in process, and that’s why I need it!

We’re all always working on something… or many things.

Yes! That’s exactly why I created this group, and why I provide all the tools + resources I do in an ongoing way. It’s like showering. You can’t do it once and expect to be clean for life. You have to do it daily.

Lauren, thanks for taking the time to share your journey with me. To meet you in-person in Atlanta, and now be a part of breakthrough journey and continued growth has really been an honor for me.

Thank you Wendy! I’m so grateful for the breakthroughs your course facilitated! And I love being a Spotlight Club member. Your support means the world.

You are so welcome. I’m excited to see what the next chapter brings for you!

Now it’s your turn.
Want to begin your success breakthrough? Click here for details about my upcoming live events.
Interested in monthly manifestation tools? Click here the check out The Spotlight Club.

Leave a comment below + let me know what fear you are facing so you can expand into all you are meant to become.

Here’s to a week of getting comfortable with being uncomfortable.

Love + gratitude,

-Wendy Braun 

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Hey, I’m Wendy!

Every product and program I’ve created is the culmination of 20+ years of real-life experience testing and refining the tools, methods and practices that have helped me to build a successful acting career, as well as enjoy an abundant, balanced + fulfilling life.


It brings me so much joy to know that my work has now deeply touched the lives + careers of thousands of creatives worldwide.


Many have felt these transformative tools + practical teachings were the missing piece of the puzzle.


Curious to know more?



How To Stand Out In Every Audition, Book More Jobs & Elevate Your Career

(Without Letting Nerves, Negative Noise or 

Nagging Self-Doubt Sabotage Your Success)