Finding Your Greatest Creative Breakthroughs

I’m excited to share this because I know it will help ignite creative breakthroughs for you.

I was recently asked to be guest expert on a wonderful podcast called “Bound + Determined with Richelle Fredson.”

Richelle is the former Director of Publicity & Book Marketing for Hay House (if you’ve read Louise Hay, Wayne Dyer or Gabby Bernstein, you’ve been reading a Hay House book). She’s now a top-tier book publishing consultant + coach who helps all kinds of creatives get their unique work out into the world.

I was so honored when Richelle invited me to be a guest on her show to discuss one of my favorite topics: “Finding Your Greatest Creative Breakthroughs.”

Whether you’re a writer, an actor or a content creator (and some days we are all three, aren’t we?), what happens when the creative magic you desire…just isn’t flowing?

Well, Richelle and I dive deep into this topic and what you can do to reignite your creative spark, no matter what challenges arise.

In her podcast episode we talk about:

  •     Bringing your full self to your creative pursuits
  •     My best tips for helping creativity turn on and flow
  •     Managing emotions that come up as a creative
  •     Pairing creativity with spirituality
  •     How to handle the unknown as a creative
  •     Balancing creative pursuits and family/work/responsibility


The parallels between writing and acting (and really any kind of creative work) and the challenges we face are quite universal.

Enjoy listening to “Finding Your Greatest Creative Breakthroughs” here.

I hope you love this honest, real + jam-packed conversation. I know your creative warrior spirit will find insightful + inspiring.

Leave a comment below and tell me, what do you do to keep your creativity flowing? I’d love to know.

Love + Gratitude,

– Wendy

P.S. Want to reignite your passion + create breakthroughs in your self-tapes? Enjoy this impactful free training: 5 Core Secrets To Becoming A Successful Working Actor

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3 thoughts on “Finding Your Greatest Creative Breakthroughs”

  1. Wendy! I hope you are really considering a book deal! I’ve been hoping you would for YEARS!

    I’ve actually been writing a feature length film about my ex-girlfriend from when I was in college (I checked with her first!) It was a very complicated and involved story but it has been so much fun to write because I’ve just been focusing on the truth and writing from love. I wouldn’t be where I am today had I not had that relationship and appreciated it for what it was. Of course I couldn’t see that at the time when we broke up but trusting that the universe had my back and still does is what keeps me inspired.

    Enjoying the little moments and interactions with people around me keep me inspired. I work at this crazy old man bar by my house in Westchester. The stories and the jokes they tell are endless. They make me laugh all the time. Laughing is another key factor to keeping me inspired.

    I love you Wendy! Keep up the good work!
    Lauren Orlando

    1. Thanks so much Lauren! The Universe really does guide us + I love that you are listening to the trusting voice within. Stay inspired!

  2. Peace, Wendy Braun! As always, your intuition is on point. I’m thinking, do you have a glowing crystal ball that sees, all the maladies afflicting our abilities to really be. Wendy, I’m appreciative to you. Your last post, memorial day had me thinking about my late father, as I read your emotional acknowledging about your dad, and his duties in the military. Those indelible memories are locked within you! In conclusion thanks always for being apart of my inner odyssey, meaning there’s a piece of you within, me. Enjoy your week, I’m doing the same. Until the next time. ✌️😎-Maurice

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Hey, I’m Wendy!

Every product and program I’ve created is the culmination of 20+ years of real-life experience testing and refining the tools, methods and practices that have helped me to build a successful acting career, as well as enjoy an abundant, balanced + fulfilling life.


It brings me so much joy to know that my work has now deeply touched the lives + careers of thousands of creatives worldwide.


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How To Stand Out In Every Audition, Book More Jobs & Elevate Your Career

(Without Letting Nerves, Negative Noise or 

Nagging Self-Doubt Sabotage Your Success)