The Most Valuable Currency You Have (And Why It’s Your Superpower)

Your superpower right now is your attention. And it’s the most valuable currency you have.

Why?  Because where you place your attention, is where you place your energy – and like a tending to a garden, what you focus on and give your energy to, is what grows.

So 2 questions to ask yourself, right now:
1. Am I giving my attention to all the negative noise in my head, in our industry or even in the world? (Yes, I know, it’s all very loud).

2. Am I giving my attention to turning my dreams into reality?

Here’s the thing you need to know (no matter what anyone else around you says)…

turning your big dreams into reality is 100% possible.

I know first hand, because I’ve had plenty of naysayers, rejection and negative noise in my head along the way. (Heck, I still do – that’s why I love teaching this stuff!)

I’ve also gone from having the top 10 commercial agents turning me down in my early years in LA, to booking 19 national commercials in one year.

And I am still walking my talk (80 TV + Film credits, 100 commercials + thousands of voiceovers later) and currently using the exact methods and strategies (I teach thousands of my students) to book more work, elevate my own career and live a fulfilling life.

While others complain and blame, I’m using my transformative tools to energize myself daily…so I feel confident, creative and free – and book off self-tapes – in this climate. (And today I’m sharing some powerful tools to help you do the same).

In fact, I’m heading to table reads and fittings this week after booking an amazing role on a new project that I’ll be working for the next 3 months.

And I share this, because I’ve seen the EXACT same thing happen thousands of times…with students in my programs (in 25 different countries)…

When they make tending to their inner game – (and having tools, support + expert guidance to do so) – a daily practice.

That commitment to their own personal growth and expansion is the “secret sauce” and why they continue to thrive.  (Whether they are just starting out or have a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame  << yes, my amazing students are at ALL levels).

Daily inner game work is vital to your success and your mental health.  Because whether it’s a pandemic, double strikes, industry slow-downs, an election year or just another “day in the life” of you
The most transformative tool you can cultivate
is the relationship you have with your own mind.
– Wendy Braun

And it all begins with where you are placing your attention.

When you decide that you’re going to stop waiting, stop stressing, and stop focusing on all the things you can’t control.

And instead, you focus on learning how to supercharge your confidence, deliver under pressure, and skyrocket your results.

Imagine right now, if you knew exactly how to:

  • Bring your best work in every self-tape, every callback + on every job.
  • Turn performance anxiety into confidence + ease within seconds.
  • Trust your instincts at every turn without needing hours to prepare.
  • Instantly shift your focus + embody new empowering beliefs.
  • Enjoy a reliable method to consistently deliver in high-pressure situations.

Imagine using all of it to book next level work—easily and effortlessly.

What would it mean to your career and your life to step into this new reality?

As I head to work on a dream job this week, I want you to know this…

You can get to where you want to go
from where you are right now,
but first, you have to clarify where that is.

So do this with me now…

I want you to imagine the version of you that’s living your big dreams. The version of you that already has the success, abundance, joy, and fulfillment you desire.

Focus your attention there for just 10 minutes today. Go ahead, write it out on paper. Describe all the details of what your life would look like and why it’s important to you.

Write out:
“The most successful, abundant, joyful, and fulfilled version of me exists now.”

Then write AS this version of you…
:white_tick: I am now living: (Describe what your life would look like)
:white_tick: I am now feeling: (Describe how you would feel + feel it with all your 5 senses)
:white_tick: Who I’ve become is: (Describe who you have become)
:white_tick: Why this is important is: (Describe why it’s important to you)

Then leave a comment below and let us know your WHY. Why is it important to you to turn your dreams into reality?

Add your response in the comments below and I will hold the vision of you there.

(And in the meantime, play the part of “Future You” – yes walk, talk, think and act as this version of you…now).

:arrow_right:  And then check out the free-on demand training I just created to show you how to merge “current you” and “future you,” and draw your dreams to you.

Here’s to owning your value and claiming your superpower.


P.S.  Ready to learn “How To Stand Out In Every Audition, Book More Work + Elevate Your Career (Without Letting Nerves, Negative Noise or Nagging Self-Doubt Sabotage Your Success)?

:arrow_right: Click here to get the complimentary on-demand training

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How To Stand Out In Every Audition, Book More Jobs & Elevate Your Career

(Without Letting Nerves, Negative Noise or
Nagging Self-Doubt Sabotage Your Success)

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Hey, I’m Wendy!

Every product and program I’ve created is the culmination of 20+ years of real-life experience testing and refining the tools, methods and practices that have helped me to build a successful acting career, as well as enjoy an abundant, balanced + fulfilling life.


It brings me so much joy to know that my work has now deeply touched the lives + careers of thousands of creatives worldwide.


Many have felt these transformative tools + practical teachings were the missing piece of the puzzle.


Curious to know more?



How To Stand Out In Every Audition, Book More Jobs & Elevate Your Career

(Without Letting Nerves, Negative Noise or 

Nagging Self-Doubt Sabotage Your Success)