One Really Important Question To Ask Yourself Right Now

With all that’s gone on this year (and all that hasn’t), there’s one thing that might feel like it’s missing from your life lately.  (Yes, I’ve felt this too).

I just don’t want you to wait too long to get it back.

So today, I want you to ask yourself ONE really important question.

In fact, the answer is vital to your mental, emotional and physical well-being.

Watch the video below + tell me what your answer is in the comments.

So now it’s your turn: “What is one fun thing I can do this week?”

When you start making fun a priority, you get more inspired to take action in other areas.

So often we wait to do the ‘fun thing’ after we’ve completed all of the other, ‘more important’ stuff (or all the ‘should do’s’ that we don’t really want to do).

Or worse, that fun thing often gets put off so often. that we never get to it. 

So today, I invite you to ask yourself: What is one fun thing I can do this week that I’m going to pencil in now + make a priority?

Whether it’s going for a hike, riding your bike, going rollerblading (my personal favorite) going to a dog park, doing a dance party in your pj’s, baking a cake or trying something completely new….

Don’t wait until the end of the week to do it. 

Flip the script on how you look at the priorities of your day, and this week, why not start with the most fun thing, and just see what happens. 

When you start by doing the fun thing, you’ll see how it not only makes you feel better, but it will make it easier to get other things accomplished too. 

Let me know in the comments what fun thing you’re committed to doing. 

Who knows?  It might just inspire someone else to have more fun too.

Wishing you a week of making fun the priority.

Love + Gratitude, 


P.S.  Every month, I do a 2 hour private live-stream coaching session filled with insights, strategies + guidance for an amazing global group of high achieving actors inside my Spotlight Club.  Want to join us, get access to all past coaching sessions and receive a brand new guided meditation + other mindset tools delivered straight to your inbox each month? Click here to learn more. 

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5 thoughts on “One Really Important Question To Ask Yourself Right Now”

  1. Jessica Dardarian

    What I’m doing for fun during these stressful times is cold-reading aloud 30 minutes everyday and doing yoga.

    1. Awesome! It’s often what we put LAST on the list. So now it’s time to bring the JOY back not wait for “someday.” So good for you!

    1. Awesome. This is the space our kids live in all-day-long, so why do we put it last on our list expect to be joyful? We gotta follow their lead, so cheers to you doing just that!

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