The #1 Thing That Keeps You From What You Want

The thing that keeps you from what you want (is not your agent, the casting director, or your perceived “competition”, etc.) but it is actually something that you can control: Your thoughts.

Sometimes we know that we should be talking to ourselves more lovingly, but we just can’t find the words.

Other times we’re so ingrained in old habits of negative self-talk, that we literally don’t know what self-compassion even sounds like or where to begin?

Today I’m offering up 9 mindful mantras for returning to love.

Adopt any (and all) that feel good to you as a way of practicing loving self-acceptance, by choosing better thoughts.

You may just find that beginning here, with the thoughts you think and the things you tell yourself, make it easier to start seeing your life (and your career) through the lens of love.

Or as the late great Wayne Dyer stated, “When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”

So become aware of what you say to yourself today, and in each present moment, practice returning to love.

9 Mindful Mantras For Returning To Love.

I bask in the beauty of all I have created in my life.

I know that in order to move forward,
I must elevate my energy to one of love.

Today, I will become aware of any weeds that are taking root in my mind,
pull them out and plant them in my heart.

I transform my life by returning to love in the way I talk to myself.

Through my thoughts, actions + interactions today,
I am continually returning to love.

As my inner communication is rooted in love,
my outer experiences begin to shift.

When I change my focus, my experiences change.
When I choose love over fear, everything shifts.

Today, I send love + appreciation to all the flowers I have planted in my life +
all the seeds that are getting ready to sprout + bloom.

The Universe is responding to how I feel.
In each present moment, I am returning to love.

Here’s to making returning to love a daily practice.

Is there a thought you’ve been thinking lately that you know doesn’t serve you?
Becoming consciously aware is the first step to transforming it, so get it out of your head and declare it below.

One easy prompt is asking yourself “What does my highest self want me to know about this?”  Then sit in silence and listen for the answers.

Since the solutions you are seeking are not in your angst, they are in your alignment, quieting your mind and tuning into your inner guidance (which is beaming to you daily from the most loving perspective), will always help you to realign.

The key is, you have to get quiet enough to hear the answer.

Try it now: “What does my highest self want me to know about this?”  And then listen for guidance from the best resource you have – your inner knowing.

Let me know in the comments what mantra or prompt you will take with you today?

Love + Gratitude,

P.S.  Need help returning to love when new stresses arise?
Download the free guided meditation “Easing Anxiety + Improving Well-Being” here.

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6 thoughts on “The #1 Thing That Keeps You From What You Want”

  1. Michelle Benet

    Hi, You wanted us to tell you are thoughts that aren’t serving us – so here goes. This is just what’s come up for me lately. “I am completely stuck in my acting career, my auditions have slowed down, I haven’t heard from my agents, and I am not booking, though it is great that I got called back for that t.v. show a few weeks ago, but why didn’t I book it?! I was perfect for that part, there is no reason I shouldn’t of booked it, and now I am just not happy and don’t know what to do to start booking.”

  2. Christion Tyler Edwards

    I recently graduated from college with my B.A. in Theatre and I am taking a gap year before moving to a city to really start my career. I am also a depressed person. Dark thought clouds follow me often. In this moment I am very unsure of how to move on, and I find myself without pride for all that I did in college. Here’s to hoping that things will change soon.


    A thought I keep thinking, or maybe just feeling deep in my gut is a resentment for all the people who one way or another hurt me, mainly Hollywood people who “reject” my ideas, my scripts, my friendship, my acting, etc. RESENTMENT.

  4. Thanks for keeping me in the loop Wendy.Here is one of my negative self doubting affirmations: Principal roles for my type have been far and few between .

  5. Tammi Cubilette

    Unloving thoughts I think all the time are: “you’re too old” and “it’s too late for you”

    1. Michael Greco

      My demon mind-soundtrack thoughts are “You are undermotivated.” “You are not doing enough.” Blah blah blah
      I must say I love your materials, and when I listen to them I feel motivated, really great! Thanks Wendy!
      Cheers, MG

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Every product and program I’ve created is the culmination of 20+ years of real-life experience testing and refining the tools, methods and practices that have helped me to build a successful acting career, as well as enjoy an abundant, balanced + fulfilling life.


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How To Stand Out In Every Audition, Book More Jobs & Elevate Your Career

(Without Letting Nerves, Negative Noise or 

Nagging Self-Doubt Sabotage Your Success)