Want better results? Do this…

The more I look back on the manifestations I’ve had in my life, whether it has been in my acting career, creating abundance, getting featured in Forbes, or even marrying my soulmate and having a family, there has been a through line that has helped me over and over again…

That is one of ease, flow and letting go. (And I’m a recovering Type-A doer, so ‘doing less’ wasn’t exactly my default mode).

Whenever I tried to “white knuckle” the Universe into giving me what I wanted when I wanted it, not only was I operating from my ego, but I was actually creating more resistance on my own path. (This took me years to understand, so hopefully I’m giving you a shortcut here.)

I now know, I don’t have to do it all alone.

I am supported by something bigger than myself, and when I surrender to that power (whatever you wish to call it)  I am always guided to a higher plane.

It has been through this deeper awareness through mindful meditation (check out the collections here), that I have come to know + trust that there has been a divine order to my life and how it is unfolding.

When I am carefree, and flexible with what is (or isn’t) showing up, I am signaling the Universe to co-create for my highest good.

The same is true for you.

Deepak Chopra explains that when you create ease + flow within, “you are then no longer bound by the ego’s insecurities + cravings.”


“The more detached you are from the results, the better the results.” – Deepak Chopra. 

It’s not that we have to let go or lose sight of our desires or our intentions, but when we let go of our ego’s timelines and trying to control how things should go, we open ourselves up to divine creation and expansion to step in and lead the way.

Unhinging from the ego’s insecurities and cravings is an ongoing daily practice, and it will always guide you back to your true self.

Remember that you are not only here to manifest your desires, but it is through ease, flow + letting go that you actually draw in more abundance in all areas of your life.

Declare my favorite 9 word mantra in the comments: “I let go and invite in something even better.”

Make it a daily practice + watch what shifts.

Here’s to letting go of the results, so you can invite in something even better.

Love + Gratitude,

– Wendy

P.S.  Want more help letting go in your auditions?  You’ll love this free guided meditation.

Need help slaying your self-doubt + owning your power?  Grab this free Warrior Manifesto.

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6 thoughts on “Want better results? Do this…”

  1. Thank you! 🌸 I love Deepak’s quote “The more detached you are from the results, the better the results.” – Deepak Chopra. This is so helpful but waaaay easier said than done :)! How interesting..that is so difficult to truly believe we deserve abundance, success and all good things in life. Been following his work for years since I am a yoga & meditation instructor. Thanx for sharing all this amazing stuff Wendy 🙏💚
    With love&gratitude

    1. I always wondered how to trust the process and “let go” of the results without really giving up on my long-term goals and dreams. This answered that and now I know that my “true self” is an artist, an actress who needs to express herself.
      It’s nice motivation to remember that true self in hard times of rejection. Or when things just don’t seem right. It prevents me from throwing in the towel.

      1. Yes Lunah! That is exactly it! Letting go of the how and the when, but not the why. Then we become open to unlimited possibilities. 😍

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Hey, I’m Wendy!

Every product and program I’ve created is the culmination of 20+ years of real-life experience testing and refining the tools, methods and practices that have helped me to build a successful acting career, as well as enjoy an abundant, balanced + fulfilling life.


It brings me so much joy to know that my work has now deeply touched the lives + careers of thousands of creatives worldwide.


Many have felt these transformative tools + practical teachings were the missing piece of the puzzle.


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How To Stand Out In Every Audition, Book More Jobs & Elevate Your Career

(Without Letting Nerves, Negative Noise or 

Nagging Self-Doubt Sabotage Your Success)