What To Do When You Are Not Booking The Job: 7 Tips To Turn Things Around

It can happen to any actor—you feel like you are doing everything right, but you are still not booking the job.  It’s easy to over-analyze your actions, your wardrobe, your choices, your hair, your age, or your talent. This kind of thinking can lead you to endless frustration. I get it.  I’ve been there.

If you’ve been doing your best work (in self-tapes or even live auditions) but just not booking, then it might be time to shift things internally.

In fact, the way the average actor uses their conscious mind prior to an audition, usually hinders them more than helps them.

Your subconscious mind will execute whatever you tell it—so when you say, “I haven’t booked in awhile.  No one will see this. I’ll never get this part,” you then bring that energy with you in your next self-tape or audition and it shows.

You can’t you possibly align with the energy of booking a job (or sharing your creative brilliance) if “not being good enough” is your internal dialogue.

Here are 7 tips to turn things around for the better.

1) Let go of needing the job

Let go of your attachment to the job and how it could change your life if you got it. Quit playing the “If I get this, then….” Game. Stop giving it so much significance.
New mantra:
I let go of needing the job. The right roles are on their way to me at the right time.

2) Let go of all of the self – criticism

It’s easy to go into the next self-tape or next audition with all your negative thoughts from the past. But beating yourself up is like dragging around a ball and chain of blame, frustration, fear and guilt into every future audition. It will not serve you. Let the past go.
New mantra:
I let go of self-criticism. I am on a path of growth + expansion. I live in the present moment and bring positive energy into the audition room.

3) Let go of the self – judgment

When you make it all about you and how you might not be talented, good looking enough, young enough or whatever other reason your monkey-mind may come up with to make you feel bad, your ego will find a way to make you right.
New mantra:
I let go of any self-judgment. My highest self is right on track + I no longer allow my ego to control me.

4) Let go of making conclusions

Let go of making conclusions about what booking the job might mean to you, your agents, your parents, your peers, your spouse, financially etc. What if it was just another chance to play and that’s it?  Lightens the load, doesn’t it?
New mantra:
I let go of drawing conclusions about what it could all mean. I focus on playing in my auditions and let the rest go.

If you’re loving this content, the dive event deeper with me in this brand-new free on-demand training!

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5) Let go of your story

Stop talking about it, telling everyone, analyzing it and thinking about it. Your mere focus on it might be turning your struggle into a self-fulfilling prophecy. The more you keep talking about it, the longer the problem will persist. It’s you resisting WHAT IS. Just accept it as neutral. When you accept it, it can change.
New mantra:
I let go of making this my reality. I focus on what brings me joy and know the best is yet to come.

6) Let go of running your audition with your roommate or spouse

Simply running your scenes with a friend or your spouse might not be cutting it. Try hiring a coach to get a different perspective and point of view on your work. Ask for testimonials, and make sure it’s someone you feel good about. Let your intuition be your guide.

7) Get present before your next audition

Have the tools you need to become present and get into a positive mindset before your next audition – even if its a self-tape in your home.  Take the time you need, breathe, and visualize a positive outcome.

Whatever you choose to do, know that the nicer you are to yourself, the faster things will turn around for you. Best of luck!
Let me know in the comments below which one speaks to you the most.

~Wendy Braun

P.S. Want to learn my best working pro secrets (and why obsessing about what casting directors are looking for is actually working against you)?  And what to do instead? >>>  Get instant access to the free on-demand training here.

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5 thoughts on “What To Do When You Are Not Booking The Job: 7 Tips To Turn Things Around”

    1. Aww, thank YOU for your sweet words! It warms my heart to know the mantra reframes are helping you. Keep shining and bringing that beautiful energy into all you do! 🙏❤️

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How To Stand Out In Every Audition, Book More Jobs & Elevate Your Career

(Without Letting Nerves, Negative Noise or 

Nagging Self-Doubt Sabotage Your Success)