Why Needing The Job To Bring You Joy Never Works

Do you do this to yourself?

I know most actors go through some version of this conversation:

I’ll feel happy when…

I get a new agent.
I get auditions from the new agent.
I get more auditions from the new agent.
I get callbacks from the auditions.
I book the job.
I book a bigger job.
I book 3 big jobs in a row that don’t conflict with each other.
I book a VO campaign.
I book a 6 figure VO campaign.
And on and on and on.

It’s almost like scrolling on social media:  No matter what you find, you are training your brain to search for more, because what you find is never quite enough.

And sometimes we get so busy searching and seeking and looking for something (or even someone) to complete us or make us feel whole or make us feel like we’ve accomplished something, that we fail to realize our happiness is right here in this moment…whether we get the agent, the job, the bigger job, the campaign or not.

Yep. Right here in this moment, is not only where your joy lies, it is also where your true power lies.


Most rarely align with their true power because it seems illogical to them that there is power in relaxing, in letting go, or in love or joy or bliss. – Abraham-Hicks

Most believe in efforting their way through. But when things aren’t showing up, and you’re feeling bad about it in any way, it’s always a reminder to return to finding joy.

And instead of making joy this magical + elusive feeling hidden inside the next big job, the next milestone or any other kind of accomplishment, what if the joy you’re seeking could be found in the next moment? Right here. Right now.

Because the irony here is that this is where your true power and your joy are living.

All it takes is for you to become consciously aware + choose to recognize it in this moment.

Your ego will try to trick you, and convince you that your joy is wrapped up + hidden inside the next big job, in a fat bank account, in red carpet moments, or in the holding of awards.

And although I believe you can have all of those things, if that is your desire, I also know it’s not where you’ll find your joy, especially if you can’t find your joy right here. Today. In this moment.

It will always elude you.

So don’t hide your joy or power in some fantastical future booking, person or material object. It’s not there.

Your joy is also not hiding on any social media feed. So maybe stop scrolling for a few days.

Your joy is found in getting still. In letting go of constantly seeking. In knowing your inherent value – whether you book the job or not.

And what you’ll come to find with this mindfulness practice, is that as you start finding joy in your life right now, all kinds of manifestations will begin finding you.

And in the process, you’ll start having so much fun along the journey, that the destination might not even matter anymore.

Oddly enough, it’s when you let go of needing the job to give you something you think you don’t have, that is exactly when you start booking more of them.

Here’s to letting go, counting the blessings already in your life + finding your joy.

I love hearing from you. Leave a comment below + let me know what’s bringing you joy today.

Love + Gratitude,
– Wendy

P.S. If you’re loving these insights, be sure to download a free copy of The Warrior Manifesto to help you #KeepGoingSunshine.

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6 thoughts on “Why Needing The Job To Bring You Joy Never Works”

  1. oh wow, this is so resonant to where im at in my journey right now! I feel like I have really mastered that sense of self worth, my inherent self worth, and have recently made life decisions that honour that. I feel like a happy little child, and so at peace, because I dont need any material thing, any job or credit or achievement to make me happy or make me feel worthy right now. I am just loving being present and finding the joy along the way. in honouring my own path. I’m not so determined for everything to happen right now.

    I want to read this blog post everyday this week as an affirmation! I LOVE how it is very “Abraham Hicks” but with the lens of acting! so great, thanks Wendy x

  2. I was very upset this morning with a small mistake I had made and was so worried about it I had a knot in my stomach. I saw your email on Joy and it reminded me of what to do. I meditated on your Mantra “Everything always works out for me” In a few moments I regained my peace and that brought me Joy! Thanks for the gift that keeps on giving!

  3. I missed an audition in Vancouver, BC a few days ago, because I have to be out-of-town. It was upsetting, but when it came down to all the factors, I AM better off Here than There, right now!! It is So True!! Find your Joy and Happiness ‘in-the-moment’. Thanks Wendy for reminding me just to Let Go …

  4. I didn’t think you could top the Morning Motivation meditation. I’ve used it so much and have had the beautiful experience of consciously and joyfully creating something in my life that had previously filled me with anxiety. However this finding joy is filling me with SO much joy every time I listen to it! The reminder to surrender and flip anytime I realise I’m judging or feeling negative and turn to joy is just blissful! Thank you so much, with love from a happy and joyful place! (which is on holiday with my in-laws, so not automatically the most joyous experience!)

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Every product and program I’ve created is the culmination of 20+ years of real-life experience testing and refining the tools, methods and practices that have helped me to build a successful acting career, as well as enjoy an abundant, balanced + fulfilling life.


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How To Stand Out In Every Audition, Book More Jobs & Elevate Your Career

(Without Letting Nerves, Negative Noise or 

Nagging Self-Doubt Sabotage Your Success)