Why Working Harder Is Not The Answer

Working harder is not the answer, Take more naps

When you’re feeling overwhelmed or overworked, what do you do? Work harder? Do more? Try and figure out how it’s going to all turn out and then talk about how it’s not?

All that busyness just creates more resistance.

So, how do you release resistance when you’re not feeling your best?

Take more naps. Seriously.

When you sleep, you cease all thought.

Which means, all negative thought ends.
All doubt ends.
All fear ends.
All resistance ends.

So, when you’re feeling overworked, stressed out and frustrated, instead of doing more from this negative space (which will never lead to positive results), take a nap.

If you need a permission slip (and a cute example), here it is….


Dogs have it right, don’t they? What if we took more cues from our pets?

We’d have the perfect recipe for a happy life with just adding more of these 3 things:
1. Live in the present moment.
2. Nap often.
3. Play more.

We live in a hustle culture (especially in the U.S.) that rewards busyness.

I used to wear my busyness like a badge of honor.

But now, I’ve learned how resting and relaxing is not only mandatory for feeling good (and living a joy-filled life), but it’s also an important tool for manifesting and creativity.

Releasing resistance is the foundation of aligning with anything that you want.

And napping is one of the best ways to release resistance.

So take more naps this week (guilt-free), live more fully in the present moment (screen-free) and play more often.

You may just find that in the midst of all that rest, relaxation and fun, you get some great ideas and things start aligning for your in a whole new way.

(Bonus points for turning the phone off and going to bed early.)

Let me know in the comments below how you’re going to make rest a priority this week.

Here’s to napping more often + releasing resistance.

Love + Gratitude,
– Wendy

P.S. Want to create success while you sleep?  Check out my latest guided meditation “Creating Success: A Deep Sleep Meditation.”  It’s one of 9 gifts when you join me here.

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8 thoughts on “Why Working Harder Is Not The Answer”

  1. Love this – just got back from travelling and could feel myself sort of twitching about work tasks. Relaxing into process, and non-process… even a Work Monday is a Day in the Life! Great blog – Thank you Wendy!

    1. So glad this helped you relax about it all and do what is calling you today. One inspired action leads to the next. And if the first one is rest, that’s okay too!

  2. So true. Busy does not mean progress or success. I take the time to look at the pretty clouds, the fluttering butterfly or the Lowcountry marsh views. Those little moments take away the stress and remind me that life is good, even when a little messy. Have a super day!

    1. Exactly! Love this “Busy does not mean progress or success.” Way to enjoy the small moments and allow them to de-stress you!

  3. I really needed this article. I’m out of town for the next 4 months and I’m half working half resting. Mainly just resting

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Every product and program I’ve created is the culmination of 20+ years of real-life experience testing and refining the tools, methods and practices that have helped me to build a successful acting career, as well as enjoy an abundant, balanced + fulfilling life.


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