10 Mantras That Increased My Happiness (And Bookings!)

Have you been trying really hard to make your acting dreams happen this year? Are you feeling overworked and overwhelmed? I get it.

I used to think that working harder would produce better results, but ultimately that thinking often led to me feeling resentful and exhausted.

(While I watched those who didn’t work nearly as hard as I reap all kinds of rewards.) Can you relate?

So, now, whenever I find myself pushing to make things happen, I remind myself that there is power in ease, flow + letting go.

In fact, just last month, when I had a quiet few weeks with no auditions, I reminded myself to let go of how I think it all should go + what I think should be showing up right now.

Instead I used the time to clear the clutter, update my online presence, play with my kids, swim in the ocean and trust in the future I could not see.

And what happened? Auditions came in.

And in those auditions, I brought that sense of ease, flow + letting go with me, and it resulted in my latest feature film booking (as one of the lead roles).

It also brought back a voice-over campaign (where I was the initial voice, but then had to re-audition to get the job back.)

I auditioned again + I got the job back for multiple TV spots over several recording sessions. (But, wow, talk about letting go in the process!)

So, I hope these examples help you to relax about whatever is or isn’t showing up for you right now + help you realize how much power lies in letting go.

Here are 5 graphics I created for you of mantras I have been telling myself lately that have helped me to increase my happiness (+ my bookings.)

Feel free to screenshot your favorite + make it your new screensaver, or share them on your own social media.

unnamed-2 unnamed

I am a spark of divine creation.
I am an essential part of the Universe.

I am here to live out my deepest desires + share my abundance, joy + generosity with others.

I take actions that inspire me daily. 

Ideas, support, opportunities and resources are all flowing my way.

My power lies in letting go.  

My power lies in being easy about it all.  

My power lies in my ability to go with the flow, 

When I let go, I invite in something bigger than I could possibly imagine. 

I now understand the power of ease, flow + letting go.
Hope this helps you to invite in all kinds of unexpected wonderful surprises into your life this week.

Leave a comment below+ let me know which mantra you are going to make your own this week.

Love + Gratitude,

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Hey, I’m Wendy!

Every product and program I’ve created is the culmination of 20+ years of real-life experience testing and refining the tools, methods and practices that have helped me to build a successful acting career, as well as enjoy an abundant, balanced + fulfilling life.


It brings me so much joy to know that my work has now deeply touched the lives + careers of thousands of creatives worldwide.


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How To Stand Out In Every Audition, Book More Jobs & Elevate Your Career

(Without Letting Nerves, Negative Noise or 

Nagging Self-Doubt Sabotage Your Success)