2 Things Every Actor Should Do This Summer (And Why It Will Help Your Career)

Remember when you were a kid + you got so excited about the smallest of things?

Riding your bike around the neighborhood.
Eating popsicles on the front porch.
Going to the beach or the lake.

Remember how you were so engaged with what you were doing that the time just seemed to fly by while you were laughing + playing?

Watching my kids run + skip down the path to the beach reminded me that there are…

2 things every actor should do this summer:

1. Relax more.
2. Play more.

Start keeping the faith that you are on the right path.

What happens when you relax more + play more?

You will discover what it is you love to do.
You will come to know who you really are at your core.
You will let go of worrying about your career.
You will start keeping the faith.

And what happens when you start keeping the faith that you are on the right path?

You will renew your sense of joy.
Ideas will come.
People will show up.
Opportunities will appear.
Doors will open.

Youā€™ll become clearer on what it is you really want + more inspired to take action.

All that from relaxing + playing? Yes!

Donā€™t take my word for it. Try it + see what happens.

Schedule in time this week
to relax more + play more
without any guilt

After all, acting is playing, and when you can be truly present in the fun of your life, youā€™ll bring more presence to your acting.

Let me know in the comments below what you are going to commit to do to relax more + play more this week?

Hereā€™s having fun, keeping the faith + giving yourself permission to pause.

Love + Gratitude,

– Wendy

PS: Want to make this summer your most productive yet? Dive into your next steps here!


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38 thoughts on “2 Things Every Actor Should Do This Summer (And Why It Will Help Your Career)”

  1. Wendy
    Hope you and your beautiful family are well and enjoying and embracing this summer with fun!
    Yes, I agree so we have a cornhole game every Friday evening which is so much fun and enjoyable that we are starting to get more of a crowd each week. ā€œBuild it and they will comeā€. Also, we just attended the Tribeca film festival in nyc and stayed for a relaxing four days.
    Aruba for ten days from July 22 to August 1 is in the calendar!
    So letā€™s do this!
    GOD bless you
    Enjoy Enjoy Enjoy!!! šŸ˜Žā¤ļøšŸ™šŸŒ¹

  2. Ha ha You amaze me some times Wendy . Just two weeks ago I was running around like a headless chicken not feeling great trying a bit too hard. I met up with a friend who was with a new girlfriend and it hit me I’ve been single for way too long so I decided to drop everything and see what I could find. Being single at 55 what was I expecting well I gave the old internet dating thing a try put a nice photo of me wrote a short and sweet and to the point bio. Not expecting much I have been overwhelmed with messages which made me realise that there’s still plenty of lonely women out there all looking for someone I have had 4 dates with someone now it seems to be going well and has had another effect I did and audition got a call back last week when I was on cloud 9 butterflies in my stomach and all that not really caring if I got the job even though I had prepared myself for it properly and done the work needed. I turned up and they auditioned me for two different roles I must have been glowing or something because guess what? Yes I booked it . Yessss . It’s for a American iced tea company shooting starts tomorrow. And now it looks like I have a play mate too she is gorgeous and so far so good. I don’t know how it happened but I have to agree with you on your point above.play more and relax more. Also give yourself permission to enjoy life you are never too old fear stops life not death. I’m so happy right now.ā¤ļø

    1. Iain! Woohoo!!!! Congrats on opening your heart AND booking a job. OF COURSE they go hand in hand. Itā€™s an ENERGETIC UNIVERSEā€¦so expanding your heart and allowing in connection, fun, play and companionship is going to light you up in a whole new wayā€¦.bring THAT ENERGY into the audition room and YOU, my friend are electric. So while everyone else is ā€œhustling to ā€œdo moreā€ ā€“ you got busy tuning in to what LIGHTS YOU UP ā€“ and then, you walked into an audition room with those elevated emotions, not needing the job and BAM ā€“ thatā€™s exactly how it works. Thanks for sharing this with me. I love stories like this. #ItsAllEnergy #KeepGoingSunshine

  3. This is exactly what I needed today! Been through so much these past few months! Raising kids and dealing with an ex-wife is not easy and still trying to make an acting career out of this, is a tall order. THank you for always believing in us! Thank you for keeping us faithful to our core beliefs. I promise I won’t quit! I just need to recuperate from all this stress. So, if you have something to destress my life. Please send it over! Love you Wendy!

    1. Humberto,
      So glad this spoke to you and gave you the permission to just take a moment for yourself. There’s a LOT on your plate, and the kinder you can be to yourself right now, the more solutions will appear. If you don’t already have it, add “Easing Anxiety + Improving Well-Being” to your guided meditation playlist. Download it for free here.

  4. Love todayā€™s topic! I shall take BART into San Francisco and attend a SF Giants game (having a hotdog and beer šŸ˜€).

  5. I already did this whole summer , 2 overnight trips to New York City, a weeks vacation in colorado including Vail, Boulder, Telluride, Aspen and Ouray , , a weekend in Saratoga Springs and just getting back from Rehobeth Beach Delaware

  6. Hi Wendy, Thanks for the reminder, I plan to go watch some friends play at a piano bar tonight šŸ™‚
    Thank you soooo much for the Warrior Manifesto!!!! I LOVE IT and it heals, really! Grateful xxx

  7. šŸ•Šļø, W.B! I’m reflecting on your post, and what I’ve been missing, overlooking, and oblivious of. By far I’m I perfect, we all need coaching to realign self to the importance of self-care, and gratitude. I won’t be long winded with my comment. As a student, I’m taking in the inspiration needed for me to relax more, and have fun. Exhausting is really something. And I embrace your informal words and guidance!šŸ˜Ž

  8. So true! Quarantine was really hard for me anxiety wise. But what always helped me itā€™s to be out in nature , go to the beach alone, exercising along playing good music, helps me to stay happier and take action instead of just being anxious. Love your emails !

    1. So glad to hear you found ways to be in nature + take good care of yourself. Glad my emails help too!

  9. Hi Wendy
    You always seem to know just what I need which probably means that all of us are in a similar cycle of seasons…as actors especially.
    Reminding me to play is exactly what I needed this morning and changed my mindset immediately! I feel joyful renewed and ready to go!
    Thank You,

  10. This message is right on time. I have been questioning my future as an actor because Iā€™ve had several great opportunities but have booked none of them. I keep telling myself that what is meant for me will not pass by, but Iā€™m starting to wonder if there is something I need to do differently. My coach and other people in the industry tell me my work is sound, but my booking ratio doesnā€™t reflect it. I will try to do what you suggest, relax, play more, and keep the faith!

  11. Wendy!!! This is exactly what I needed to hear this morning… THANK YOU!! I am preparing for a vacation, and it was making me feel a little guilty and anxious about stepping away from all the work I’ve been doing. Now reading this, I know that I need this vacation and to go PLAY and find my JOY again!! Happy Summer!! xo

    1. Yes Rachel! Enjoy that vacation know all the hard work you’ve been doing will pay off once you return. Sometimes stepping away is exactly what we need to make space for what is coming. Here’s to play joy ease flow! YES!

    1. So true. My kids are the best reminder. In fact, I’m wrapping up work right now to make sure I jump in the pool with them later today! šŸ˜‰

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Every product and program Iā€™ve created is the culmination of 20+ years of real-life experience testing and refining the tools, methods and practices that have helped me to build a successful acting career, as well as enjoy an abundant, balanced + fulfilling life.


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How To Stand Out In Every Audition,Ā Book More Jobs & Elevate Your Career

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