What To Do When What You Want Isn’t Showing Up: 3 Questions To Ask Yourself

I know it’s fun to have what you want show up, easily + effortlessly, but what happens when it’s not coming to you as fast as you had hoped?

When you want something + you doubt it, you add resistance to your own perfect path.

Sometimes when you see another having what it is you want, your ego may convince you that your timing is off, and that it’s not coming to you.

But that is just a game the critical mind likes to play to stay in control.

If there’s something you want, that isn’t coming, the best thing to do is soften how feel around the subject.

When you can release the significance you are giving to this thing, moment, experience, job, relationship you so desperately want, it will find its way to you.

When you realize, that you are of immense value right now, without this thing, and you relax into knowing that you are on the perfect path, unexpected wonderful surprises will begin to flow into your experience..

Here are 3 questions to ask yourself this week, especially when things aren’t showing up as you would like.

What if the unfolding of my perfect path is even better than I am expecting right now?

What if I just relaxed into the knowing that I am of value right now?

What if I allowed my intuition (instead of my fear) to lead the way today?

These questions will help you align with trust, worthiness and love, instead of worry, lack and fear.

Let me know in the comments below which question resonated with you the most today.

And if you need help trusting that you are indeed on the perfect path, my latest guided meditation will help you own this knowing.

“I Am On The Perfect Path (Exactly Where I Am Right Now).

It’s just one of several free gifts you’ll receive, when you enjoy a free week inside my VIP coaching community.

Come surround yourself with like-minded actors, get ongoing support, powerful tools + live coaching with me. Details here.

Here’s to a week of knowing that you are on the perfect path + watching what unfolds.

Love + Gratitude,

– Wendy

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8 thoughts on “What To Do When What You Want Isn’t Showing Up: 3 Questions To Ask Yourself”

  1. Thank you for sharing these, Wendy
    What if I allowed my intuition (instead of my fear) lead the way today. This one encourages me to be bold and take the “calculated” leap. Careful to not be foolish. But, bold enough to see the rewards of the risk may outweigh the risk. I’ve been holding back. Playin it too safe. This one encourages me to just be me- BOLD!

  2. I loved this: “What if I relaxed into the knowing that I am of value right now?” question. That reality is so helpful to be reminded of. Thanks!

  3. Your weekly motivations are so relevant to me right now in my life, it’s as if you speaking directly to me. And its making me more calm and in control, so thank you please keep them coming.

    1. Palesa, That is truly music to my ears. So many of my readers guided meditation lovers say that, and it always means so much to me. Glad it’s having a calming effect! Thanks for letting me know. 😉

  4. Wendy, I love what you are doing. I see a lot of Abraham Hicks in your positive messages. We met briefly through my friend Tammy Dahlstrom at the TV Academy a couple years ago. It seems like most of what you offer and recommend is for newbies in the industry. I am a 35 year veteran who is just now able to focus solely on achieving real success in my career after putting everyone else’s life before my own dreams for most of my life. Do you know/have any support groups for the over 50 women who have lots of experience, but find themselves in the challenging position of trying to get a big break now? Thank you.

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Every product and program I’ve created is the culmination of 20+ years of real-life experience testing and refining the tools, methods and practices that have helped me to build a successful acting career, as well as enjoy an abundant, balanced + fulfilling life.


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How To Stand Out In Every Audition, Book More Jobs & Elevate Your Career

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