Did you wake up today feeling love, appreciation, compassion and excitement? Or are you waiting to hear “Booked It” to feel any of those emotions? Here’s why that kind of thinking works against you and what you can do about it…right now.
Just so you know, I lived this way for years, riding the rollercoaster of emotions and allowing this business to dictate how I felt about myself, my value, my worth, my looks, my talent…all of it. Sound familiar?
So when you’re working you feel great (for a while at least) and when you’re not, you don’t?
As you well know, the life of an actor (even when you’re at the top of your game) includes a lot of days where you’re not working.
So, are you really going to spend all of that “in between time” feeling bad about yourself, your life and your career, waiting for the next job to lift you up again?
My friend, you have it all backwards (and I did too).

What if instead, you could reignite your confidence, release any thought or story that isn’t serving your highest good and create a new reality?
How do you do that? It begins with your own awareness, “I am having thoughts, but I am not my thoughts.”
So just as we can wake up and worry, doubt, complain and blame, we can also choose to practice cultivating more heightened, elevated emotions.
As an actor, when you do a scene and you’re required to feel love, appreciation, compassion or excitement, you can instantly create that emotional state, right?
Well, why then, are we not using all of the skills we have to bring a character to life, to elevate and illuminate our own lives?
Best selling author, Dr. Joe Dispenza states, “When people learn to change their emotional state + open their heart, they can change their life, heal their body + create a new reality.”
Pause and do this with me now. Put your hand on your heart and breathe deeply…
1) Feel the emotion of love, deep within your heart. Whether you are envisioning someone you love and feeling love flow from you to them, or envisioning an experience, a memory that brings up love.
2) Feel the emotion of appreciation. Whether it’s because you appreciate your health, your life, your home, a person, a pet…whatever your focus, feel the feelings of appreciation and allow them to expand from within your heart.
3) Feel the emotion of deep compassion. Whether it’s for yourself in this moment, your journey, your resilience, your strength, your vision, your dedication, or the compassion you feel for another.
4) Feel the emotion of excitement. In your mind’s eye, see yourself finding out an awesome piece of news that makes your day, week, or even year. Bask in those feelings now, and feel the excitement you feel. Allow yourself to smile, laugh, get teary eyed, say yes, whatever comes up as you feel the emotion of feeling excited. Feel it in your body. Go there with all your 5 senses.
How do you feel? A bit better than when you first started reading this post?
You just shifted your focus from waiting for things to be different to feel different, to instead, creating your life from the inside out.
And the choice was all yours! (As it is every single day).
Look, our egos may fight us tooth and nail in this process of “feeling good for no reason,” but you are rewiring your brain to intentionally hop off the hamster wheel of thinking the same looping thoughts, feeling the same way and then defining yourself and your world from this memorized default emotional state.
Instead, you are tuning your awareness to elevating your emotions, opening your heart and refocusing your energy.
And when you make that your priority, what manifests in your life and career will shift.And you’re going to have so much more joy, fun and fulfillment along the way. (Which is what you wanted that booking for in the first place!).
Let me know in the comments below, which emotion was the easiest and which was the hardest for you to access?
Here’s to feeling more love, appreciation, compassion + excitement, and not waiting for this business to bring it to you.
Love + Gratitude,
P.S. I know doing this on your own, isn’t always easy.
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19 thoughts on “Why Waiting To Hear “Booked It” To Feel Good Works Against You”
Feeling the emotion of deep appreciation was the easiest for me ;and the hardest is Feeling
the emotion of excitement . I still fall in and out
quickly with excitement. Usually, it’s inside me , but escapes within a short period of time. I must say thou , that reading a listening to how you have navigating with yr life, family and acting career has definitely given me strength and support to stay strong.
Thank you so much Windy. I hope you and your family have a safe and fun July 4th!
Patricia Lou Robideau 👍♥️🙋🏻
Compassion was probably the hardest. I can feel compassion for others but it’s a bit harder toward myself. I have been working on it though.
I’ve actually been working on ALL the areas you listed. Thanks for the extra reminder. 😆 🤣
So glad all of them resonated with you and that you’re working on them all. Such a daily practice. Good for you!
Thank you! Wonderful and helpful advice. I love Dr Joe! Brilliant 🙏❤️
P.S. My website down below still in development. Almost done 🎉
Thank you Wendy for sharing this. I have your confidence collection and in it was an audio around positive expectation as was just listening.
I started thinking about a conversation had with someone around how I prefer collaborative environments over competitive environments as was talking about a job (in the industry, but not acting) I applied for that was out my comfort zone as well as an upcoming audition for the company I am already with, and the other job still may be the wrong fit but did think about what I love in working environments is to create together as opposed to being in competition. However saw this message as well and got thinking about all this and it really is just letting go and trusting the right things in life will happen and to enjoy the journey rather than let any stress of worry. so thank you and wish you freedom in all you do as well.
What a great way to start and go throughout my day. Thank you Wendy for all your inspiration! Blessings to you!!
You are so welcome Sherry! Thanks for letting me know. 😉
OMG Wendy you were in my HEAD today! 🥰😂❤️ I was up for a big project which would’ve meant yummy visibility and a lot of fun and a lot of cash…and during the callback process, I let myself get very invested in having the verrry specific outcome of booking it…I got high-vibrational and visualized myself there, and was basking in the joy of being on-set and doing this awesome thing. And then, went production “went another way,” I dove into a giant vat of sadness and was swimming around miserable…and then…here came your blog post to remind me what the real deal was, lol! I clearly have Divine Timing and so do you—THANK YOU!
Thank you for this Wendy. Exactly what i needed to read this morning checking for that email from my agent. Lolol !! A beautiful reminder that we can choose every moment of our day and not wait to feel happy, worthy, purposeful etc. this reminds me of the meditation in E.T. actress Dee Wallace’s new book BORN. YOu’ll love if you haven’t read it yet! Love you and thank u for all you do! Anzu
Anzu – What perfect timing! Glad this helped you.
Wow! This is what I’ve needed for a long time! I’d say the easiest emotion to access was love and the hardest one compassion, but I know I’m getting there. It does take some practice. I’m going to start doing this daily every morning; great way to start of any day in my life. Thanks Wendy!
Lunah – Great to acknowledge what came easy + what might take more practice. That awareness is everything!
Lovely post! Thanks as ever Wendy 💖
Thank you! Glad this resonates with you!
Wendy, Thanks for being the light bearer that you are. Although I have been an actor and follower of the same wonderful principles that you teach for over 50 years, it is still so easy to forget. I am ever grateful for your constant inspirational, loving, and nurturing reminders! They fuel my soul and keep me on track in every area of my life!
Sweet Joette! Thanks so much. I’m so glad our paths have crossed + thankful that my words resonate with you in an inspirational, loving + nurturing way! That “theyy fuel my soul and keep me on track in every area of my life!” means so much to me. #KeepGoingSunshine. 🙂
You’re just wonderful Wendy. Sending you all my love and appreciation.
Thanks so much! Glad this spoke to you!
Love love love this feeling of appreciation
In “Ask and It is Given by Esther and Jerry Hicks The teachings of Abraham I keep practicing The Rampage of Appreciation which woks wonders from the inside out
I’m loving all of my Declarations and audios I bought from you and they are changing my thoughts and life in many ways
I thank GOD and pray for you and your Family always
GOD bless you