3 Powerful Statements To Invite In Abundance

We all want the conditions to change to bring us happiness. If we could only book the job, find the mate, win the award….then, we’d feel better.

At the root of all that is feeling like somehow we are not enough, or worthy or valuable without the external condition we want being met.

I get it. I’ve been there. Heck, I was there last month when a few self-tapes I felt great about turned into…well, not booking the job.  (Then, my name was in the trades for a feature film I booked off a self tape a few months prior). What a rollercoaster ride we go through as actors.

We put our hearts + souls into every audition, and when it doesn’t turn into a booking, it can chip away at who we think we are.

Now, I love that I get to play for a living, and I was proud of the work I did in those auditions that didn’t turn into the jobs, but it got me thinking about how much we define ourselves by whether we book the job or not + how dangerous that can be to our self-esteem.

So, my #MondayMotivation is for you to begin the week knowing this…(whether you booked a job this month (or year) or not.

Even if you had 5 self-tape auditions with no callbacks.
Even if you have friends whose lives look perfect on the outside.
Even if you’re going through a rough time.
Even if you just got your heart broken.
Even if you’re feeling sad.
Even if you’re feeling frustrated.
Even if your big dreams haven’t come true yet.
Even if you wonder how they ever will.

Please know, that your happiness, doesn’t lie in the next “booking.”

Sure, it’s fun to book the job, but don’t spend your days between now + then waiting to be happy, to feel like you’re enough, to feel worthy or to feel valuable.

Your happiness and all those feelings are a gift you can give yourself TODAY.

No matter where you are in your life or career (even if it’s not quite where you thought you would be by now), please breathe this in…


I am enough.
I am worthy
I am valuable.
Exactly as i am right now.

Make it your screensaver. Set a reminder on your phone.

And next time, instead of checking Instagram, check in with yourself, how you feel.

Declare these 3 powerful “I AM statements.”

I am enough. I am worthy I am valuable.
Exactly as I am right now.

Then, let go of needing the external conditions to change to feel good + watch what kind of abundance you attract into your life.

Leave a comment below + type in these declarations so I know you are committing them to memory.

I am enough. I am worthy. I am valuable. Exactly as I am right now.

Love + Gratitude,


P.S. Want to invite more abundance into your life? Join my free training and start attracting it now!

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22 thoughts on “3 Powerful Statements To Invite In Abundance”

    1. Woohoo! Love this + love having you in The Success Breakthrough Workshop from the Netherlands. It’s been amazing to witness your many breakthroughs!

  1. Thank you so much for this, too many of us (myself included) wait for the right circumstances before we are happy. Happiness is now. Happiness is learning and living in every moment. I am enough. I am worthy. I am valuable. Exactly as I am right now.

    You rock!!!

  2. christopher aguayo

    Wow! Still giving and adding value first, and amazing offers like .99 cent for a kindle book, I think I still prefer paper, but I bought it, but still the way Wendy gives first expecting nothing in return. She has earned a raving fan with me. Especially after the post of I am worthy, I am enough, I am valuable. It’s such a good way to redirect that downward spiral up, and remind us that who you are and what you are doesnt’ depend on you booking the job. Wendy I really love the way you give first and not just a “nice little coffee mug if you get my other teachings” you really do go above and beyond what I would have expected. Thanks for overdelivering!

  3. So funny to see this email today! Talk about coincidence. Last night I was upset because I booked a commercial (not a bad problem) for today that is one of those in perpetuity things and of course the pay is crap. So i was asking my boss/friend who is also an actor about the contract and seeing if i could counter. I was frustrated because I am constantly getting offered these contracts and they aren’t the big paying jobs I want yet plus the terms are unfair. But she said she was going to submit my headshot and resume to her commercial agent. So today on the drive home from my incredibly low paying but fun shoot, I took a breath and decided to just be happy for where I was. In that moment my boss/friend texted me and said her agent would like to meet with me March 13th! Just breath people! That stuff is magic!

  4. Dawna Joy Wightman

    Oh WENDY! Your posts are soothing & energizing & loving – you are such a bright light. Thank you, thank you thank you! I wish you love & luck & whatever it is that makes YOU feel on top of the world. We all need to jump for joy – today is our day!

  5. Hi Wendy. I read your blog just now and I needed a little inspiration and some love. Thank you for that instant gratification! I’m going to own all three “I Am’s” this week and throughout, if need be.

    Thank you,

    1. I am enough, I am worthy, I am valuable…yes to embrace all three!! My bookings do not dictate who I am! I am, I am, Iam!

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