When there are slow patches in your career, do you go down the dark rabbit hole of worry + self-doubt?

Do you start obsessing about how you did on your last audition or wondering if you’ll ever get another one?

I know. I’ve been there.

But, when you shift your focus from what is not working to what’s going right in your life, things will begin to shift in your favor.

This year started off kinda quiet for me (well, except all of my free trainings for actors!), and it would have been easy for me to start ranting + raving….

“What are my reps doing?”
“Where are my auditions?”
“What am I missing out on?”

But asking myself those questions only produces answers (and feelings) rooted in lack and fear.

So instead, I focused all of my energy on helping other actors (like you) succeed, while getting into a mental head-space of radical appreciation for what was working in my life.

Why would this matter?

Within the next week, I ended up getting 3 amazing auditions, including a request to read for a different role on a project I had already been in for late last year.

(Something I didn’t even know would come back around, and could have easily spent a lot of wasted time examining what I might have not done “right” at that initial audition.)

And then, a wonderful booking came in (which I can’t give details about yet) and an invitation to attend a red carpet Oscar party.

And all from shifting my focus + how it made me feel when nothing was going on. That’s it.

Sounds simple, right? It Is, but many actors choose to take the struggling route of complaining + blaming + then berating themselves. Then they spend their days busying themselves with “doing more” from this space of lack.

What they don’t realize, is that it’s hamster wheel that just produces more of the same.

So, what if, no matter how things look right now, you told yourself this:

Instead of spending anytime criticizing or berating myself today,

I marvel at all I’ve done + who I’ve become along the way.

Who knows, you just might find this is the easiest route to shifting not only how you feel, but also what starts showing up for you.

Beginning each day in a state of radical appreciation will actually help you take actions that inspire you.

It’s from this new perspective, that things will flow much more easily into your life.

You’ve really got nothing to lose, except the mental blocks that are getting in your way.

Here’s to a week of practicing radical appreciation (with my easy-to-use tools or on your own)

Either way, I’d love to hear what you are appreciating right now in your journey.

Leave a comment below + let me know.

Love + Gratitude,

– Wendy

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1 thought on “Where To Focus When Nothing Is Going On…..”

  1. I am thankful for the fact that i had a great meeting today with my agent Tonya, here in Atlanta, Ga and she told me everything is on course and i am doing everything right i am able to do with the means i have, it felt really good because today is the year and a half mark of my father’s passing, so that was nice

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Hey, I’m Wendy!

Every product and program I’ve created is the culmination of 20+ years of real-life experience testing and refining the tools, methods and practices that have helped me to build a successful acting career, as well as enjoy an abundant, balanced + fulfilling life.


It brings me so much joy to know that my work has now deeply touched the lives + careers of thousands of creatives worldwide.


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How To Stand Out In Every Audition, Book More Jobs & Elevate Your Career

(Without Letting Nerves, Negative Noise or 

Nagging Self-Doubt Sabotage Your Success)