40 Soulful Reminders To Uplift + Inspire Your #Actorlife

As the year comes to a close, I hope you take time to reflect on your glorious life this year.

I hope you take some quiet time to celebrate all you’ve accomplished and how far you’ve come.

Don’t just measure your success by the jobs you booked or the credits you added to your resume.

Yes, those are fun wins, but in the 365 days that you were given in 2018, there is so much more for you to celebrate.

Express radical appreciation

Hope this helps get you started…

As the year comes to a close, I remind myself to celebrate….

The people I got to love.
The time I spent with those who matter most.
The adventures I had along the way.

The moments I spent not looking at my phone.
The friends I helped to reignite their light.
The time I gave to what I value most.

The quiet moments I gifted to myself.
The times I allowed myself to cry the ugly cry.
The vulnerability I shared with those I trust deeply.
The people I inspired, without even knowing it.

The loved ones I said goodbye to, and the beautiful lives they lived.
The pet I said goodbye to, and the unconditional love I got to know.
The hugs I received + the hugs I gave.

The times I was scared to do something, but did it anyway.
The times I got knocked down, but got back up.
The rejection, the disappointment + the heartache that made me fall to my knees, but not self-destruct.

The unexpected wonderful surprises that came, because I kept going.
The wonderful people who believed in me along the way.

The casting directors who continued to support my work.
The agents + managers who worked tirelessly on my behalf.
The times I heard, “Yes, you’re booked.”
The creative souls I have been blessed to collaborate with on every job.

The times I heard, “they love your work, but they’re going in a different direction.”
The times I celebrated another’s win, even though I wished it was my own.
The days where I wondered, when will it be my turn again.
The moments where I became grateful for what I have.
The times where I realized that my path is divinely guided.
The times I played at the beach + just enjoyed the moment.

The time I spent marveling at nature’s beauty. 
The time I spent enjoying time with my family.
The time I spent in solitude.
The time I spent helping another.
The time I spent appreciating my life.
The time I spent doing something fun.
The time I spent laughing.
The time I spent loving life.
The time I spent loving others.
The time I spent loving myself.

I am celebrating all I have done this year + who I have become along the way.

Look back on this year, and celebrate it all. The ups, the downs, the twist, the turns, the wins + the perceived losses.  This is your #Actorlife.  This is your #MarvelousLife.

Marvel at who you’ve become this year. Marvel at all you’ve really done this year, because it’s so much more than “what you booked.”

Here’s a look back at the 40 blog posts that you have inspired me to write this year.

Thank you, from my grateful + humbled heart, for the love, support + amazing comments that you share with me each week.

You have no idea how much you, dear actor, help me to #keepgoing

Leave a comment below + click on any graphic that inspires you + it will take you to the entire post.

And, just a reminder seats are filling up for my live events in NY + ATLANTA in January.
Click here for the city-tour + grab your comp ticket now. 

Don’t live in one of the cities I’ll be visiting?
Get on the ONLINE VIP Notification list now for my upcoming virtual training. 

Wishing you the happiest of holidays, from my home to yours.

– Wendy

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Hey, I’m Wendy!

Every product and program I’ve created is the culmination of 20+ years of real-life experience testing and refining the tools, methods and practices that have helped me to build a successful acting career, as well as enjoy an abundant, balanced + fulfilling life.


It brings me so much joy to know that my work has now deeply touched the lives + careers of thousands of creatives worldwide.


Many have felt these transformative tools + practical teachings were the missing piece of the puzzle.


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How To Stand Out In Every Audition, Book More Jobs & Elevate Your Career

(Without Letting Nerves, Negative Noise or 

Nagging Self-Doubt Sabotage Your Success)